whose military arm was or whose military arm were?


Well-known member
Δεν ξέρω γιατί με προβληματίζει αυτό: λογικά το 1 ("was") θα πρέπει να ισχύει, αφού αναφερόμαστε σε ένα "arm", αλλά το "guerrillas" μπερδεύει λίγο τα πράγματα (θεωρείται το guerrillas μία οντότητα εδώ ή όχι; ).
Έχει να κάνει με τον εμφύλιο πόλεμο (1943-1949).

1. The communist forces whose military arm was the communist guerrillas?


2. The communist forces whose military arm were the communist guerrillas?

Actually, the whole sentence is as follows:
The bloody struggle that ensued between the Greek army (backed by the USA and Great Britain) and the communist forces (backed by Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania), whose military arm were the guerrillas, came to be known as the Greek civil war. It was to last until 1949.


Well-known member
Correction- I should have written Greek Civil War, of course... not Greek civil war.

Thanks, SBE (I just saw your post above).
I was leaning towards 2 as well.