Τα καλύτερα μουσικά γιουτιουμπάκια


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Τ' ακούω με ενάμισι χρόνο καθυστέρηση, αλλά πάλι καλά.

Τ' ακούω με ενάμισι χρόνο καθυστέρηση, αλλά πάλι καλά.

Μια χαρά είσαι... θα μπορούσαν να έχουν περάσει δυόμισι χρόνια.:eek:

Με μεγάλη καθυστέρηση λοιπόν (και από σπόντα, από τους τίτλους τέλους του Big Love τους έμαθα), οι Fleet Foxes από το Seattle. Το πρώτο τους άλμπουμ είναι εξαιρετικό:



Staff member
Pornography - The Cure​

A hand in my mouth
A life spills into the flowers
We all look so perfect
As we all fall down
In an electric glare
The old man cracks with age
She found his last picture
In the ashes of the fire
An image of the queen
Echoes round the sweating bed
Sour yellow sounds inside my head
In books
And films
And in life
And in heaven
The sound of slaughter
As your body turns

But it's too late
But it's too late

One more day like today and I'll kill you
A desire for flesh
And real blood
I'll watch you drown in the shower
Pushing my life through your open eyes

I must fight this sickness
Find a cure
I must fight this sickness


Staff member
Καλημέρα. Ήθελα να βρω τραγουδάκι που να λέει «Μην αφήσεις τον ήλιο να σε βρει να δουλεύεις». Τζίφος. Μάλλον εγώ θα πρέπει να το γράψω. Βρήκα αυτό όμως...

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Όταν με βρίσκει το ξημέρωμα στη δουλειά, αυτή τη φωνή ακούω να αντηχεί κάπου στο βάθος.
Day-o, day-ay-ay-o
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Day-o, day-ay-ay-o
Daylight come and me wan' go home​

Work all night on a drink of rum
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Stack banana till de morning come
Daylight come and me wan' go home​

Come, Mister tally man, tally me banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home

Lift six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch
Daylight come and me wan' go home​

Day, me say day-ay-ay-o
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Day, me say day, me say day, me say day
Daylight come and me wan' go home​

Beautiful bunch of ripe banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Hide the deadly black tarantula
Daylight come and me wan' go home​

I pack up all me things and I go to sea,
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Then all these banana see the last of me
Daylight come and me wan' go home​


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Στη συνέχεια, για να ανεντρανίσω, σκέφτομαι ότι όταν θα ξετελέψω, Ι'm gonna lay down my sword and shield,
all cares and woes and my heavy load down by the riverside, I ain't gonna study war no more.
Μέχρι το επόμενο ξενύχτι, βέβαια.



Φωτιά στα ραδιόφωνα, Νίκελ! Είναι όντως τέλειο. :)

Προχωράμε σε λίγο γυναικείο σπαραγμό, έτσι για να δέσει με τη συννεφιά της μέρας:



Mod Almighty
Staff member
Κάτι οι απόκριες, κάτι η γαλαρία, κάτι ο καιρός που με έχει μελαγχολήσει... (Ελπίζω να μη με έχει προλάβει ο Δαιμάνος, πάλι :p)
Εργατικό ατύχημα σου λέει ο άλλος:

This song, commonly known as The Sick Note, is based on a story which occasionally with minor differences pops up in various media since the 1920's. The story gained its present shape in the 1950's while the song, initially entitled Paddy and the Barrel, was written in 1969 by Pat Cooksey. From the 1970's onwards this song is recorded by several artist using different titles.
The audience in pubs often request the musicians to play this song, but these requests are rarely granted.

Dear Sir, I write this note to you to tell you of me plight
And at the time of writing I am not a pretty sight
Me body is all black and blue, me face a deathly gray
And I write this note to say why Paddy's not at work today

While working on the fourteenth floor some bricks I had to clear
Now to throw them down from such a height it was not a good idea
The foreman wasn't very pleased, he bein' an awkward sod
He said I'd have to cart them down the ladders in me hod

Now clearing all these bricks by hand it was so very slow
So I hoisted up a barrel and secured the rope below
But in me haste to do the job I was too blind to see
That a barrel full of building bricks was heavier than me

So when I untied the rope the barrel fell like lead
And clinging tightly to the rope I started up instead
Well, I shot up like a rocket 'til to my dismay I found
That halfway up I met the bloody barrel coming down

Well, the barrel broke me shoulder as to the ground it sped
And when I reached the top I banged the pulley with me head
While I clung on tight all numb with shock from this almighty blow
And the barrel spilled out half the bricks fourteen floors below

Now, when these bricks had fallen from the barrel to the floor
I then outweighed the barrel and so started down once more
Still clinging tightly to the rope I sped towards the ground
And I landed on the broken bricks that were all scattered round

Well, I laid there groaning on the ground I thought I'd passed the worst
When the barrel hit the pulley wheel and then the bottom burst
Well, a shower of bricks rained down on me, I hadn't got a hope
As I lay there moaning on the ground, I let go the bloody rope

The barrel then being heavier it started down once more
And landed right across me as I lay upon the floor
Well it broke three ribs and my left arm and I can only say
That I hope you'll understand why Paddy's not at work today


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Είναι Δανοί, οπότε η χώρα τους έχει την 4η σε μέγεθος ζυθοποιία τού κόσμου (Carlsberg), αλλά εκείνοι τραγουδάνε για λογαριασμό τής 3ης (Heineken) — και όχι μόνο. The Golden Age από τους The Asteroids Galaxy Tour: