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φ ω ρ ι α μ ό ς;
Τι εστί φωριαμός;
Νομίζω ότι ως ιδιωματική έκφραση που δεν ξέρουν τι σημαίνει ούτε οι αγγλόφωνοι, μάλλον πάει για τίτλο άσχετο.
Η σκηνοθέτρια λέει:
The Hurt Locker directly translated means the place of ultimate pain and it's a term that Mark Boal, when he was on the embed in Baghdad with the explosive ordinance disposal team, would use from time to time mentioning... "If this particular ordinance were to detonate, we would be in the hurt locker."
Οπότε εκρήξεις έχει, πόνο έχει, προτείνω για τιτλο
Έκρηξη Πόνου
Συμπληρωματικά: το γκούγκλισμα μου βρίσκει έναν απόστρατο που λέει:
Where are all the "Old" Marine's?
Hurt locker is a term used in Basic Training! When a young recruit was out of line, (back in the day when physical contact was allowed) the Drill instructor literally slammed you into a full size locker where he would hit you repeatedly. You couldn't get out or move to resist. No longer allowed by the drill instructors and the other recruits, "Blanket parties" were started. This was where fellow recruits would throw towels over you at night while asleep and hit you with fists, or laundry nets full of soap bars.
Όπως εμείς λεμε στη στενή κι εννούμε στη φυλακή.
Οπότε προτείνω τιτλο: Μέρες πόνου.