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Four clichés in English

1) off piste:
a) away from prepared ski runs.
-"off-piste slopes"
b) so as to deviate from what is conventional, usual, or expected.
-"on this occasion I went off-piste and booked in at The Griffin, a place none of us had ever visited before."
2) I am 'my own person':
Do or be what one wishes or in accordance with one's own character rather than as influenced by others.
-'she certainly did not live in the shadow of John; she was her own person'.
3) in-the -mix:
it can literally mean "in the mixture" as in an ingredient in a recipe.
It could refer to music; when the producer is adjusting his dials and levers in the studio, making some instruments louder and some softer, we refer to this as "the mix."
-A musician might say "I'd like to have more drums in the mix."
-It can also be used to describe adding an item or concept to an existing group or melange.
-"My grandfather has an extensive collection of fine French wines, along with a few Portuguese and Californian selections in the mix."
-Because students are younger and more in-the-mix and influence of trends on the street, their fashion interpretations are often more in touch with that.
4) step up to the plate:
​to take action when something needs to be done, even though this is difficult:
-He took over the team when it became obvious no one else was going to step up to the plate.
-In this crisis we all need to step up to the plate and make a difference.

There is a lot here but I have recorded them as have heard them.


1) off piste:
a) away from prepared ski runs.
-"off-piste slopes"
b) so as to deviate from what is conventional, usual, or expected.
-"on this occasion I went off-piste and booked in at The Griffin, a place none of us had ever visited before."

a) εκτός πίστας
-"off-piste slopes"
= πλαγιές εκτός πίστας
b) εκτός πεπατημένης
δεν ακολουθώ/αφήνω την πεπατημένη, ξεφεύγω/απομακρύνομαι/αποκλίνω/φεύγω/βγαίνω από την πεπατημένη
-"on this occasion I went off-piste and booked in at The Griffin = αυτή τη φορά άφησα την πεπατημένη και έκλεισα τραπέζι στο ...τάδε μαγαζί


Staff member
I'm stepping up to the plate, although it's not difficult at all, serving it all ready on a platter: step up to the plate.
It's not silver, mind you, but it'll serve. :-)

Btw, stepping down from the plate and jumping into the platter: on a platter = στο πιάτο.

ΦΡ στο πιάτο, για κτ. που είναι έτοιμο, που έχει ετοιμαστεί από κπ. άλλο: Tα θέλει όλα στο πιάτο, τα θέλει όλα έτοιμα, χωρίς να κοπιάσει ο ίδιος.
Thanks, Neikos! One down & three to go. The Greek equivalents seem less of a cliché than the English. Thanks, 'Man too. Two down & two to go: I seem to be forgetful these days: 'to dumb forgetfulness a prey.... :)


Staff member
3) in-the-mix:
it can literally mean "in the mixture" as in an ingredient in a recipe.
It could refer to music; when the producer is adjusting his dials and levers in the studio, making some instruments louder and some softer, we refer to this as "the mix."
- A musician might say "I'd like to have more drums in the mix."
- It can also be used to describe adding an item or concept to an existing group or melange.
- "My grandfather has an extensive collection of fine French wines, along with a few Portuguese and Californian selections in the mix."
- Because students are younger and more in-the-mix and influence of trends on the street, their fashion interpretations are often more in touch with that.

Σε κάποιες περιπτώσεις θα καταφύγουμε στα συνδυασμός, συνδυάζω:

Θα ήθελα περισσότερα ντραμ στο συνδυασμό / Θα ήθελα να το συνδυάσω με περισσότερα ντραμ.
... σε συνδυασμό με λίγα από Πορτογαλία και Καλιφόρνια

Δεν ξέρω αν στην τρίτη περίπτωση θα πήγαινε να πούμε «μέσα στα πράγματα».


Staff member
2) I am 'my own person':
Do or be what one wishes or in accordance with one's own character rather than as influenced by others.
-'she certainly did not live in the shadow of John; she was her own person'.

Το πιο κοντινό: είμαι κύριος του εαυτού μου (για κάποιον που είναι ανεξάρτητος και αυτόβουλος), είμαι αυτεξούσιος

Για την κυρία υποθέτω ότι θα πούμε «είναι αυτεξούσια» — δεν θα ήθελα να διακινδυνεύσω το «είναι κύριος του εαυτού της». :)


Μια κυρία όμως μπορεί να είναι κυρία του εαυτού της. Αχ Νίκελ, θα σε μαλώσω:p. Δεν μας έχεις συνηθίσει σε τέτοια.

-'she certainly did not live in the shadow of John; she was her own person'.
Εδώ ταιριάζει το "είχε τη δική της προσωπικότητα".


Staff member
Μια κυρία όμως μπορεί να είναι κυρία του εαυτού της.

Μα ούτε με αυτό αισθανόμουν άνετος — αν και βλέπω ότι λέγεται αρκετά. Ε, πέρασα κι εγώ μια στιγμή που δεν ήμουν κύριος του εαυτού μου. Ούτε σκέτος κύριος...
Thanks for finishing off my four clichés, Nickel & Lina. :) I enjoyed the banter too. Is the problem that Nickel's is too polite & too much of a gentleman....