Καλημέρα! Αντιγράφω από wikipedia:
Bible thumper
(U.S.) someone perceived as aggressively imposing their Christian beliefs upon others. The term derives from preachers thumping their hands down on the Bible, or thumping the Bible itself, to emphasize a point during a sermon. The term's target domain is broad and can often extend to anyone engaged in a public show of religion, fundamentalist or not. The term is most commonly used in English-speaking countries.[5]
Στο βιβλίο μου λέει ότι ο υποψήφιος πρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ, στην προεκλογική εκστρατεία του, κατάφερε να πάρει με το μέρος του όλους τούς bible thumpers, koran thumpers and talmud thumpers.
Any ideas;
Bible thumper
(U.S.) someone perceived as aggressively imposing their Christian beliefs upon others. The term derives from preachers thumping their hands down on the Bible, or thumping the Bible itself, to emphasize a point during a sermon. The term's target domain is broad and can often extend to anyone engaged in a public show of religion, fundamentalist or not. The term is most commonly used in English-speaking countries.[5]
Στο βιβλίο μου λέει ότι ο υποψήφιος πρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ, στην προεκλογική εκστρατεία του, κατάφερε να πάρει με το μέρος του όλους τούς bible thumpers, koran thumpers and talmud thumpers.
Any ideas;