Όχι, δεν είναι το ίδιο. Το Πεκίνο δεν άλλαξε όνομα εσωτερικά, άλλαξε όνομα στην αγγλική γλώσσα. Αντιθέτως οι ινδικές πόλεις είχαν επίσημο όνομα, μέσα στην Ινδία, τα προαναφερόμενα ονόματα.
The case of Mumbai was the first major change to happen, and is thus the best known. In 1995, the ruling party in the government of the state of Maharashtra (of which Bombay was capital) announced that Bombay's name would be changed to its Marathi name, Mumbai.
The case of Mumbai was the first major change to happen, and is thus the best known. In 1995, the ruling party in the government of the state of Maharashtra (of which Bombay was capital) announced that Bombay's name would be changed to its Marathi name, Mumbai.