Όπως μας ενημερώνει η Wikipedia:
Lock, stock, and barrel is a merism (figure of speech) used predominantly in the United Kingdom and North America, meaning 'all', 'total', 'everything'. The effective portions of a gun are the lock (used to hold ready the sparking mechanism); the stock (the portion held), and the barrel (the aiming guide and conveyor for the explosive-driven ball). Collectively they are the weapon, therefore, everything.
Και η Wikipedia επιβεβαιώνει ότι, όπως γνωρίζαμε ήδη από παλιότερα στη Λεξιλογία,
The term was first recorded in the letters of Sir Walter Scott in 1817, in the line "Like the High-landman's gun, she wants stock, lock, and barrel, to put her into repair". It is, however, thought that this term evolved into a popular saying some years before in England.
Η wiki μας λέει, τέλος ότι:
Hook, line and sinker [is] a similar phrase και ότι eing a popular figure of speech, Lock, stock, and barrel is widely referenced in culture.
Η απορία μου έχει σχέση με το ρέτζιστερ της φράσης. Μπορούμε, π.χ. να την αποδώσουμε (σε βιβλίο οικονομικών όχι για αρχάριους μεν, γραμμένο ανάλαφρα δε) με κάτι σαν «τα πάντα όλα»; Τι άλλες φράσεις δικές μας θα είχαμε διαθέσιμες;
Lock, stock, and barrel is a merism (figure of speech) used predominantly in the United Kingdom and North America, meaning 'all', 'total', 'everything'. The effective portions of a gun are the lock (used to hold ready the sparking mechanism); the stock (the portion held), and the barrel (the aiming guide and conveyor for the explosive-driven ball). Collectively they are the weapon, therefore, everything.
Και η Wikipedia επιβεβαιώνει ότι, όπως γνωρίζαμε ήδη από παλιότερα στη Λεξιλογία,
The term was first recorded in the letters of Sir Walter Scott in 1817, in the line "Like the High-landman's gun, she wants stock, lock, and barrel, to put her into repair". It is, however, thought that this term evolved into a popular saying some years before in England.
Η wiki μας λέει, τέλος ότι:
Hook, line and sinker [is] a similar phrase και ότι eing a popular figure of speech, Lock, stock, and barrel is widely referenced in culture.
Η απορία μου έχει σχέση με το ρέτζιστερ της φράσης. Μπορούμε, π.χ. να την αποδώσουμε (σε βιβλίο οικονομικών όχι για αρχάριους μεν, γραμμένο ανάλαφρα δε) με κάτι σαν «τα πάντα όλα»; Τι άλλες φράσεις δικές μας θα είχαμε διαθέσιμες;