Τα εφήμερα


Να προσθέσουμε και τη λεξιπλασία από τα σχόλια:

Πάντως για το κανάλι 4Ε, να σας πω πως έχει για οπερατέρ τις αποκαλούμενες και "καμερα-ηγούμεν", δηλαδή κάτι θεούσες σα μοναχές, με μαύρο μακρύ ρούχο, μαύρη ζακέτα και σφιχτό κότσο που πάνε στα ρεπορτάζ, στήνουν τις κάμερές τους και τραβάνε πλάνα.

Κάτι τέτοιο, δηλαδή;


Λεπτομέρειες! διαβάζοντας τα σχόλια από κάτω ανακάλυψα ότι ειμαι έτη φωτός από την τρέχουσα ελληνική πολιτιστική παράδοση, καθώς δεν ήξερα το άσμα του κου Βουγά που παρατίθεται. Βεβαίως αυτό ανήκει στην κατηγορία κλαίει ο διάολος τον πατέρα του, κι εγώ δεν ασχολούμαι με σατανιστικά. :D


Καλά βρε Κώστα, βάλθηκες να πάθω τίποτα σημερα, με την παρουσιάστρια- Ντάρθ Βέιντερ και την καμεραγούμαν απο την Επιστροφή της Μούμιας;


Staff member

Παναΐα μ'! To Μαύρο Φάντασμα μπουρκαρίστηκε και λέει τις ειδήσεις. She started out as a villainess, but became a heroine. They started out as women, but became burkas, with their very own opiate. Αυτό θα πει camera shy. Leaves a lot to be imagined, though ("The horror, the horror!", "Oh, the inhumanity!", "Man's inhumanity to woman").
"I see some red lips and I want them painted black, no colors anymore; I want them to turn black..."


Εμ, βέβαια, μόνο με γερή δόση φετιχισμού γίνεται δουλειά...
Τώρα, το τι μπορεί να φοράνε κάτω απ' το νικάμπ, είναι μια άλλη ιστορία (τα εν οίκω μη εν δήμω...)


Staff member
Τώρα, το τι μπορεί να φοράνε κάτω απ' το νικάμπ, είναι μια άλλη ιστορία (τα εν οίκω μη εν δήμω...)

Μα, μπουρκίνι, χωρίς καθόλου φάσα ή φραμπαλά (furbelow), no frills, nonsense. :rolleyes:
Από την Άνω Βόλτα στην κάτω βόλτα. Εγώ βέβαια, χωρίς φραμπαλά δεν κάνω, εν Νίκω, εν οίκω ή εν δήμω. :whistle:

Θυμίζω το σχετικό νήμα μας: «Η μπούρκα είναι φυλακή» ;


Staff member
Και τελικά, τι έκανε; τα δημοσίεψε; (lifo) Πάντως, κρίμα το παιδί...

Κώστα, διάβασα μερικά άρθρα, αλλά επειδή αναμενόμενα οι περισσότεροι ασχολούνται με τα καθέκαστα της - όπως φαίνεται - αυτοκτονίας και τα αίτια που την προκάλεσαν, άκρη δεν έβγαλα και τα παράτησα στην αρχή βαρέθηκα, δεν τα παράτησα όμως τελικά· ψάξε, ψάξε, κάτι βγήκε. Από τη Huffington Post:

Aaron Swartz, Internet Pioneer, Found Dead Amid Prosecutor 'Bullying' In Unconventional Case

Open democracy advocate and internet pioneer Aaron Swartz was found dead Friday in an apparent suicide, flooding the digital spectrum with an outpouring of grief. He was 26 years old.

Swartz spent the last two years fighting federal hacking charges. In July 2011, prosecutor Scott Garland working under U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, a politician with her eye on the governor's mansion, charged Swartz with four counts of felony misconduct -- charges that were deemed outrageous by internet experts who understood the case, and wholly unnecessary by the parties Swartz was accused of wronging.

Swartz repeatedly sought to reduce the charges to a level below felony status, but prosecutors pressed on, adding additional charges so that by September 2012 Swartz faced 13 felony counts and up to half a century in prison.

Swartz had long lived with depression and a host of physical ailments, which made his accomplishments that much more astonishing. Barely a teenager, he codeveloped the RSS feed, before becoming one of the earliest minds behind Reddit.
In the fall of 2010, Swartz downloaded millions of academic journal articles from the nonprofit online database JSTOR, which provides such articles free of charge to students and researchers. As a faculty member at Harvard University, Swartz had a JSTOR account, and downloaded the documents over the course of a few weeks from a library at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

JSTOR typically limits users to a few downloads at a time. Swartz's activities ultimately shut down JSTOR's servers briefly, and eventually resulted in MIT's library being blocked by JSTOR for a few days.

This was inconvenient for JSTOR and MIT, and a violation of JSTOR's Terms of Service agreement. Had JSTOR wanted to pursue civil charges against Swartz for breach of contract, it could have. But JSTOR did not, and washed its hands of the whole affair. In 2013, JSTOR made several million academic journal articles available to anyone, free of charge. Academic research is designed to be publicly accessible and is distinct from the research of private corporations, which assert aggressive intellectual property rights over activities they fund. Last June, Swartz told HuffPost that both JSTOR and MIT had advised prosecutors they were not interested in pursuing criminal or civil charges.

But the government pressed on, interpreting Swartz's actions as a federal crime, alleging mass theft, damaged computers and wire fraud, and suggesting that Swartz stood to gain financially. Federal prosecutors describe Swartz's downloading too quickly from a database to which JSTOR granted him and millions of other scholars free access as:

"Aaron Swartz devised a scheme to defraud JSTOR of a substantial number of journal articles which they had invested in collecting, obtaining the rights to distribute and digitizing," the indictment reads. "He sought to defraud MIT and JSTOR of rights and property." The prosecutors seem unaware that if an article is downloaded, the original copy remains with the owner.

The indictment also says that, "Swartz intended to distribute these articles through one or more file-sharing sites."
JSTOR has just released 4.5 million articles to public this week.

The indictment does briefly acknowledge that Swartz had legal access to JSTOR's database. "Although Harvard provided access to JSTOR's services and archive as needed for his research, Swartz used MIT's computer networks to steal millions of articles from JSTOR." But the indictment does not note that Harvard and MIT have an explicit library sharing arrangement, granting scholars at one school access to many of the works and titles at the other. JSTOR has no specific academic allegiance. Its titles are available to all students at all universities at all times.

JSTOR issued a statement late on Saturday expressing regret at Swartz's passing, criticizing his prosecution.

"The case is one that we ourselves had regretted being drawn into from the outset, since JSTOR’s mission is to foster widespread access to the world’s body of scholarly knowledge," the statement reads. "At the same time, as one of the largest archives of scholarly literature in the world, we must be careful stewards of the information entrusted to us by the owners and creators of that content. To that end, Aaron returned the data he had in his possession and JSTOR settled any civil claims we might have had against him in June 2011."

All 13 counts against Swartz rest on the idea that he stole or damaged JSTOR and MIT property.
The FBI had investigated Swartz prior to the JSTOR incident in 2009, when Swartz wrote a script mass-downloading many U.S. court documents held in the pricey PACER database. Although court documents are in the public domain, PACER charges a premium for collecting the documents and making them searchable. Swartz paid PACER for mass downloads, then sent the documents to another free database.

In addition to earning the ire of PACER, the FBI and the office of U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, Swartz wrote the programming for RSS 1.0, an extremely common and useful computer tool. He helped start Reddit and also helped launch Creative Commons -- a special intellectual property license allowing anyone to use creative work, provided it is not sold for profit.

He was the founder of the progressive political advocacy group Demand Progress, which was extremely active during the legislative battle over the Stop Online Piracy Act. He co-founded the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, though he has not worked with the organization in some time. More recently, he was working with Matt Stoller, a writer and former aide to Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), on a longterm project aimed at ending the drug war.

"What people saw in public was a fearless advocate of open information, who was nonetheless realistic about the limits to what open information could do without radical political reform," Farrell said.

He added: "He shared the urgent concern of his friend, [MSNBC host] Chris Hayes, to address what economic inequality was doing to this country. What many, many people saw in private was his extraordinary generosity with both time and resources. He had made enough money from the sale of Reddit to Conde Nast to live without working for several years, as long as he was reasonably frugal. So what he did, was to spend his life trying to figure out ways in which he could be helpful to people and causes he liked. Since his death, I've heard an outpouring of stories from people whom he helped set up websites for, read and critiqued work and so on. He combined technological brilliance with enormous amounts of energy, and a real understanding of politics."
Posted: 01/12/2013 5:13 pm EST | Updated: 01/13/2013 2:30 am EST

Aπό τη NY Times:

In 2011, however, Mr. Swartz went beyond that, according to a federal indictment. In an effort to provide free public access to JSTOR, he broke into computer networks at M.I.T. by means that included gaining entry to a utility closet on campus and leaving a laptop that signed into the university network under a false account, federal officials said.

Mr. Swartz turned over his hard drives with 4.8 million documents, and JSTOR declined to pursue the case. But Carmen M. Ortiz, a United States attorney, pressed on, saying that “stealing is stealing, whether you use a computer command or a crowbar, and whether you take documents, data or dollars.”
Published: January 12, 2013

Και από τον Cory Doctorow:

Expert witness describes Aaron Swartz's "crimes"
RIP, Aaron Swartz

Σχετικό νήμα: Research Archive JStor Moves Toward Open Access.
Μάλιστα· τελικά τα επέστρεψε, δηλαδή. Τι να πεις; βαριά αρρώστια η κατάθλιψη.


Ίσως εδω κολλάει κάτι που είδα χτες
Φωτογραφίες από καταυλισμό Συρίων προσφύγων στην Ιορδανία. Τραγική κατάσταση. (ΝΥΤ)


Τα τούρκικα σήριαλ δάκτυλος των Αμερικανών για την άρνηση της εθνικής ταυτότητας των θεατών, καταστρέφουν την κοινωνία δείχνοντας αίσχη ασύμβατα με τα ήθη μας, παίρνουν δουλειές απ' τα χέρια των παιδιών μας, δεν έχει μείνει ένα ντόπιο σήριαλ πια, κλπ κλπ, λένε οι Πακιστανοί.


Mod Almighty
Staff member
Ίσως εδω κολλάει κάτι που είδα χτες
View attachment 3483
Αυτό δεν είναι καινούριο, έχει κυκλοφορήσει από τότε που συνελήφθη ο ΝτοτΚομ ο οποίος, να πούμε, δεν έχει καταδικαστεί ακόμα, διότι συνελήφθη πριν ένα χρόνο και η υπόθεση βρίσκεται ακόμα στα δικαστήρια.
President Obama asked me who I think is preventing democracy in the Middle East. I told him, “The husbands.” The husband does not want his wife to have equal rights. Without equal rights, it will be impossible to save Egypt, because if women are not educated, the children are not educated. People who cannot read and write can’t make a living. They are finished. (Σιμόν Πέρες, ΝΥΤ)


Αυτό δεν είναι καινούριο, έχει κυκλοφορήσει από τότε που συνελήφθη ο ΝτοτΚομ ο οποίος, να πούμε, δεν έχει καταδικαστεί ακόμα, διότι συνελήφθη πριν ένα χρόνο και η υπόθεση βρίσκεται ακόμα στα δικαστήρια.

Ναι, αλλά όπως είπα το είδα χτες σαν σχόλιο στην είδηση της αυτοκτονίας του άλλου και σκέφτηκα ότι είναι σχετικό σχόλιο. Γιατί η κατάθλιψη είναι μεν ό,τι είπε ο Κώστας πιο πάνω, αλλά παίζουν το ρόλο τους και εξωγενείς παράγοντες, όπως π.χ. η απειλή να βρεθείς έστω και μια μέρα σε αμερικανική φυλακή.
Φυσικά. Ορίστε ένα δικό του μανιφέστο, μια ομιλία του για τον αγώνα εναντίον του PIPA/SOPA, και δύο νεκρολογίες/καταγγελίες από δύο φίλους του (ο ένας συγγραφέας και ο άλλος δικηγόρος) [1][2]. Τέλος, η ανακοίνωση του JSTOR. Τα βρήκα σαν λινκ στο άρθρο της ΝΥΤ (παρότι και οι δύο κριτικάρουν δύο διατυπώσεις της εφημερίδας). Ο δικηγόρος κατηγορεί και το MIT, ότι σε αντίθεση με το JSTOR δεν αποθάρρυνε την κα. εισαγγελέα να προσπαθήσει να του πάρει το σκαλπ. Γι' αυτό και το ΜΙΤ, όπως λέει το άρθρο της ΝΥΤ, διέταξε...."ΕΔΕ" για να δει μήπως έφταιξε σε κάτι στην όλη υπόθεση, με την τροπή που αυτή πήρε.


Staff member
Και ορίστε πώς κατάλαβε ένας δικαστής στις ΗΠΑ την έννοια του ψηφιακού βιβλίου και της ψηφιακής βιβλιοθήκης:
(Τίτλος και υπότιτλος στη LiFO, Η πρώτη βιβλιοθήκη χωρίς βιβλία είναι γεγονός: BiblioTech όπως λέμε Apple Store) μου φαίνονται ακόμη πιο άκυρα...


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