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He'd charm the birds off the trees

Said of a womaniser who would go for whatever woman he could get:-
--He'll go for anything in a skirt. He'd charm the birds [bird =feathered variety & also slang for women] off the trees.:devil:


Staff member
Δεν αφήνει ούτε γάτα θηλυκιά.

[Αν είναι να πηδήξει,] ούτε πουλί πετούμενο δεν του/της ξεφεύγει, to expand it for use by all genders, sexes and persuasions.


Staff member
If the wannabe charmer's charm is irresistible and his efforts to charm have guaranteed success, i.e. if his lucky charm hasn't ran out of luck, if his mojo is working like a charm.


Staff member
The question is, is it Δεν αφήνει γυναίκα για γυναίκα or is it Δεν του γλιτώνει γυναίκα για γυναίκα? Does he chase a lot of women (Τρύπα να 'ναι κι ό,τι να 'ναι) or do many women fall victim to his charms?

Here, for example:
For party pieces I would remember words, perform them, translate them. “Ooh, he’ll be a lawyer,” they’d say. “He’ll charm the birds off the trees”: something I attempted fruitlessly in parks for a while before applying the admonition in its Cockney usage to no greater effect during my adolescent years.
it is the latter case, and it is the gift of the gab that seems to do the trick.

Right, seen that the same question has been raised with some delay.


Staff member
If he exercises no discretion as to what female he's hitting, then he could very well be σαβουρογάμης.
For cases like these, the acronyms ΓΟΒ and (intens.) ΓΟΒΑ were created in the first place.
Ό,τι κινείται, εκτελείται ή...

Δεν ξέρω αν σας έχω πει αυτή την ιστορία αλλού, αλλά το σαβουρογάμης του Ζαζ μου θυμίζει τον αγώνα ΠΑΟΚ-Ολυμπιακός πριν κάποια χρόνια.
Η μπάλα βγαίνει πλάγιο υπέρ του Ολυμπιακού και τότε ένας ευτραφής φανατικός οπαδός του ΠΑΟΚ κατεβαίνει τρέχοντας τις κερκίδες πλησιάζοντας τον Καρεμπέ που ετοιμαζόταν να εκτελέσει το πλάγιο και με όλη τη δύναμη της φωνής του, φωνάζει πάνω από τις ιαχές των οπαδών: "Άντε ρε@#$%, σαβουρογάμη!!!!!"

Τα σχόλια δικά σας για το γούστο του Κριστιάν Καρεμπέ:


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Υπάρχει και το skank-hopper (αυτά κυρίως λόγω του skankie cow).
Συνήθως όμως λέγεται σε άλλο επίπεδο ύφους: man with no standards.


Said of a womaniser who would go for whatever woman he could get:-
--He'll go for anything in a skirt. He'd charm the birds [bird =feathered variety & also slang for women] off the trees.:devil:

Used not so much for someone who goes after anyone without discretion but for someone who exudes irresistible charm and hence usually get his/her way, is the slang expression εκπέμπει γοητρόνια.