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Up to Thucydides, one can tell a Whig-type story of progress toward a nineteenth-century positivist model of historiography. Within such a framework, later historians can only be treated as examples of decadence or as an attempt to revive Thucydidean standards - provided that they are treated as historians in their own right rather than simply as quarries from which a lump of useful information may occasionally be extracted.

Δεν είμαι καν σίγουρη ότι καταλαβαίνω σε ποιο χαρακτηριστικό τους αναφέρεται.

Και καλημέρα, βέβαια.


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In British usage, originally a Scottish Presbyterian opponent of Anglican government; subsequently applied 1679 to those who opposed the succession of the Catholic James II to the throne (see Locke) and thence to those who supported the ‘Glorious Revolution’ of 1689. They were in government for most of the eighteenth century, in opposition for most of the period following the French Revolution, and in government again after the 1832 Reform Act.
In the nineteenth century the word was partly superseded by ‘Liberal’ but retained to denote the right-wing, aristocratic faction of liberalism. Most of its members joined the Tories in or after 1886.
In US usage, member of a party opposing the Democrats between 1834 and 1856; the name was chosen deliberately for its echoes of English resistance to the executive.

Μήπως αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό;


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Οι Whigs μεταγράφονται παραδοσιακά Ουίγοι (Δρανδάκης, Πάπυρος, διαδίκτυο).
Στο ΠαπΛεξ:
οι Ουίγοι· ένα από τα δύο κόμματα-φατρίες τής Αγγλίας κατά τον 17ο και τον 18ο αιώνα, αντίπαλο τών Τόρυ, το οποίο στην αρχή ταυτιζόταν με τους Σκώτους Πρεσβυτεριανούς αλλά στη συνέχεια εκπροσωπούσε τα συμφέροντα τών γαιοκτημόνων αριστοκρατικής καταγωγής και τών πλούσιων μεσαίων τάξεων· 2. (φρ.) «Κόμμα τών Ουίγων»· πολιτικό κόμμα τών ΗΠΑ που ιδρύθηκε το 1834 από αντιπάλους τού προέδρου Άντριου Τζάκσον και διαλύθηκε στα τέλη τής δεκαετίας τού 1850, αφού προηγουμένως τέσσερα μέλη του είχαν αναδειχθεί πρόεδροι τής χώρας.​
Ωστόσο, ούτε θυμάμαι ούτε βρήκα επίθετο, αν και θα πρότεινα ουίγεια ιστοριογραφία (φυσικά και θετικιστική σχολή των Ουίγων).

Για τη σχολή των Ουίγων:
Ιδού το προϊόν της έρευνας "whig-type"

I think that the general consensus of the extreme usefulness of whig-
history today indicates that Stark was way ahead of his time. Stark
gives a history of the history of economics up until the 1930s, finding
three essential types of historiography, one that looks at the history
of economics as the progressive march to established and accepted Truths
(whig type history)
, the historical approach, which attempts to accurately
understand the theorists' ideas, and the explanatory approach, which goes
beyond mere context, and tries to connect economic doctrines to economic,
social and historical context. It is worth reading not only for its
intro the historiography of economics, but also to show us what HOE
was like before Schumpeter.

Charles Clark