Άλλος ένας ιδιωματισμός που δεν υπάρχει στα αγγλικά λεξικά. Μόνο στο Wiktionary βρήκα αυτό:
From under + the + radar. Originally referred to flying a plane at an altitude below where it could be seen by radar.
1. (idiomatic) unnoticed
That is against the rules, but I think we can slip it past, under the radar.
2. (idiomatic) unexpected
Παραθέτω μερικά παραδείγματα από το bbc.co.uk, που δείχνουν πώς πέρασε από την κυριολεκτική στη μεταφορική σημασία.
Περιμένω κι άλλες μεταφραστικές προτάσεις, ιδιαίτερα από τον Zazula, λόγω ... διπλής αρμοδιότητας. (Όχι, δεν προφέρεται ούτε Σαζούλα, ούτε Θαθούλα.)
From under + the + radar. Originally referred to flying a plane at an altitude below where it could be seen by radar.
1. (idiomatic) unnoticed
That is against the rules, but I think we can slip it past, under the radar.
2. (idiomatic) unexpected
Παραθέτω μερικά παραδείγματα από το bbc.co.uk, που δείχνουν πώς πέρασε από την κυριολεκτική στη μεταφορική σημασία.
- Radar beams travel in straight lines. Even in flat terrain the curvature of the earth provides a radar shadow - the greater the range, the higher a target must be to allow detection. For example, at a range of 250 miles an aircraft would have to be over 30,000ft. Thus it is possible to 'fly under the radar'. The problem is, the closer the aircraft gets, the lower it has to fly. Eventually it can no longer hide under the horizon and can only avoid detection if there are radar shadows from hills and mountains etc.
- Chinese immigrants slip under the radar.
- He chose to work with psilocybin because the mere mention of LSD still provokes extreme reactions. "We could more easily glide under the radar and do our work without attracting the negative attention that I think would happen with an LSD study."
- He suggests that the ideas shaping our world are relatively unseen – under-the-radar forces that can involve as little as one per cent of the population, yet their impact on society is huge.
- Mr Bush has been trying to push for a guest worker programme, which would allow the millions of migrants, who toil illegally under the radar, to emerge into the daylight, claim some rights, get paid a little more, live free from fear and pay taxes.
- Here BBC Sport gives you the lowdown on the players under the radar who could yet make a name for themselves at the tournament
- Ms Primarolo said professional women who drank too much had "gone under the radar" for a long time.
Περιμένω κι άλλες μεταφραστικές προτάσεις, ιδιαίτερα από τον Zazula, λόγω ... διπλής αρμοδιότητας. (Όχι, δεν προφέρεται ούτε Σαζούλα, ούτε Θαθούλα.)