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tornado-related jargon


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The wedge has decreased a little bit, and it looks like it's roping out at Air Depot Road. Look at the rope on that thing. Feeder band looks like it's pretty low to the ground. It's way lower than we are.

1) "Wedge" is informal storm observers' slang for a tornado which looks wider than the distance from ground to ambient cloud base. There is no scientific meaning to it; since many factors (actual tornado size, cloud base height, moisture content of the air, intervening terrain, soil and dust lofting) can regulate a tornado's apparent width.
2) Rope = Tornadoes often assume a ropy, sinuous shape in their final minutes; but they can remain narrow like this during their entire life cycles. Although "rope" tornadoes may look weaker than much larger ones, some get more intense as they narrow and tighten (the ice skater effect). With tornadoes, size does not necessarily indicate strength!
3) Feeder band = Hurricane feeder bands are clouds streaking out from the edges of a hurricane. Called this because they pull moisture up from the ocean feeding the clouds of the storms. When storm is over this is why you see and get so much rain.

  1. Νομίζω ότι άνετα μπορούμε να ονομάσουμε "σφήνα" τον ανεμοστρόβιλο που έχει σχήμα wedge. Εδώ αναφέρεται η "σφήνα ύφεσης", αλλά νομίζω ότι δεν πρόκειται για το ίδιο πράγμα.
  2. Μπορούμε ίσως να αποδώσουμε το roping" ως "λεπταίνει" ή "γίνεται σαν σχοινί";
  3. Για το feeder band δεν έχω καμιά ιδέα.
Στο 2. μπορούμε να πούμε και "στενεύει" ίσως.

Στο 3. σκέφτηκα τα "νέφη τροφοδοσίας", αλλά δεν ξέρω αν χρησιμοποιείται ή αν είναι σωστό.

Στο 1. καλή μου ακούγεται η "σφήνα".

Εδώ μιλάει και για "καταιγιδοφόρα νέφη" που ίσως είναι πιο ακριβές.


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