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to be satisfied that...

Σε μυθιστόρημα υπάρχει άρθρο εφημερίδας, που λέει:

Police have not yet been able to identify the attacker ... but they are satisfied that burglary was the motive behind the break-in


H αστυνομία δεν έχει κατορθώσει ακόμα να εξακριβώσει την ταυτότητα του διαρρήκτη ... αλλά είναι ικανοποιημένη που το κίνητρο της διάρρηξης ήταν η ληστεία.

Αυτό δεν στέκει ούτε λογικά -δηλαδή δεν θα ήταν ικανοποιημένη η αστυνομία αν κίνητρο ήταν π.χ. ο φόνος;

Aπ' όσο ξέρω, to be satisfied that σημαίνει, περίπου, "πιστεύω ότι...", "έχω καταλήξει στο συμπέρασμα ότι..."

Τι λέτε;


Staff member
Για γρήγορη απάντηση, η σχετική σημασία από τη Ματζέντα:

αίρω αβεβαιότητα ή αμφιβολία, πείθω: I am satisfied that… δεν μου μένει αμφιβολία ότι…, είμαι πεπεισμένος ότι…

Στο ODE:

Provide (someone) with adequate or convincing information or proof about something.
with object and clause ‘people need to be satisfied that the environmental assessments are accurate’ > να είναι βέβαιοι, να γνωρίζουν με βεβαιότητα
‘the chief engineer satisfied himself that it was not a weapon’ > βεβαιώθηκε

Ακολουθεί, πάντα στο ODE, μεγάλη συλλογή παραδειγμάτων για να αναζητήσουμε ωραίες αποδόσεις:

  • ‘You may be refused support on the basis that you have given inadequate information to satisfy the Secretary of State that you made your asylum claim as soon as practicable after arrival in the UK.’
    [*] ‘Provided he is satisfied that the conduct appears to constitute an extradition crime he is entitled to make an order to proceed.’
    [*] ‘I am also satisfied that the vendor provided the survey and made all reasonable repairs.’
    [*] ‘I am satisfied that adequate enquiries were made regarding your application and the content of the decision letter was correct.’
    [*] ‘In this case, we were satisfied that the information supported its use.’
    [*] ‘Provided you are satisfied that the market has undervalued that business, thank your lucky stars for the golden buying opportunity.’
    [*] ‘The architect should certainly not have given any of the certificates to which I have referred until he had satisfied himself that the overflows were there.’
    [*] ‘The soldiers satisfied themselves that there were no more of the enemy around, and sat down behind the crates.’
    [*] ‘I am also satisfied that the prosecution still have to obtain information which is relevant and important information relating to the cheques.’
    [*] ‘I am satisfied to the criminal standard of proof that the wife wilfully breached the orders in question and I find her to be in contempt of those orders.’
    [*] ‘We are satisfied that by acting in this way the judge provided the necessary safeguard to protect the possible interests of the appellant.’
    [*] ‘The claimants have satisfied me that Mr Steele did not receive an adequate explanation before the 3rd August.’
    [*] ‘I am not satisfied that he has discharged the burden of proof upon him.’
    [*] ‘I am not satisfied to the appropriate standard of proof that this appellant is of Eritrean ethnicity.’
    [*] ‘Having satisfied herself that he was alone, she continued over to the well.’
    [*] ‘I am satisfied that Mr Baird had an adequate opportunity to examine the boat.’
    [*] ‘As a result I am satisfied that there is a need for a site to provide accommodation for them.’
    [*] ‘By the end he has made some connection between poetry and life and satisfied himself that he needn't choose one over the other.’
    [*] ‘Mr Jeans' submissions were forceful and persuasive, but I am not satisfied that they were right.’
    [*] ‘Where the court is satisfied that the petition debt has been paid, secured or compounded for, the court is precluded from making a bankruptcy order on the petition.’
    [*] ‘Lending institutions will be required to satisfy themselves that the borrowers already have 10 per cent of the total price.’
Μπράβο, η αστυνομία είναι πεπεισμένη ότι κίνητρο ήταν η ληστεία.

Πάντως, δεν ήταν "ικανοποιημένη που..."!


Staff member
Θα λέγαμε ότι και το «ικανοποιήθηκα ότι» (αντί για «βεβαιώθηκα ότι») είναι αγγλισμός, έτσι; Π.χ.

Γονάτισε πλάι στον Πιτσιλό και έψαξε τον σφυγμό του. Όταν ικανοποιήθηκε ότι δεν υπήρχε σφυγμός, του έβαλε το πιστόλι στο χέρι και το έσφιξε γύρω στη λαβή του, ενώ ταυτόχρονα μιλούσε στους δικούς του. (Πρωτότυπο, από τον Τζίμμυ Κορίνη)"ικανοποιήθηκε ότι"&f=false

Πραγματικά κι αυτοί στην τράπεζα ρώτησαν και έμαθαν ποιος είμαι και ικανοποιήθηκαν, ότι έχω οικονομική επιφάνεια.