To say that someone is away with the fairies means that they are in such a dreamy state that they are not totally in touch with reality and give the impression of being slightly mad or not with it, dreaming, not all there.
--"It's no use trying to explain the problem to her - she's away with the fairies!"
--Sorry I didn't notice you were here. I must have been away with the fairies.
There is another usage prominent in the phrase finders viz. that if someone is away with the fairies, they don't face reality and have unrealistic expectations of life but frankly I wouldn't use the phrase like this.
Apparently the figurative sense was not in use until the late 20th century. This item from The Washington Post, June 1987, is typical of the examples of the phrase that are commonly found from the 1980s onward:
-- "Still away with the fairies, the fey and gentle Incredible String Band epitomised the hippie ideals of the Sixties."
--"It's no use trying to explain the problem to her - she's away with the fairies!"
--Sorry I didn't notice you were here. I must have been away with the fairies.
There is another usage prominent in the phrase finders viz. that if someone is away with the fairies, they don't face reality and have unrealistic expectations of life but frankly I wouldn't use the phrase like this.
Apparently the figurative sense was not in use until the late 20th century. This item from The Washington Post, June 1987, is typical of the examples of the phrase that are commonly found from the 1980s onward:
-- "Still away with the fairies, the fey and gentle Incredible String Band epitomised the hippie ideals of the Sixties."