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throw to the dogs

O Marlon Brando στο Λιμάνι της Αγωνίας λέει:

"You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am."

Θα μπορούσαμε δηλαδή να πούμε ότι ο Τέρι Μαλόι, όπως είναι το όνομά του στην ταινία, threw his life to the dogs.

Στα ελληνικά τι θα έκανε κάποιος; Θα την έριχνε στον υπόνομο μήπως;


Staff member
Τη χαράμισε, την πέταξε στα σκουπίδια.
Τον υπόνομο δεν τον κρατάμε για το throw down the drain, νομίζω.


Staff member
Καλημέρα. Δες τι λένε οι δικές μου συμφράσεις:

something is going / has gone to the dogs
= πάει κατά διαόλου, π.χ. My life has gone to the dogs. The country is going to the dogs. (Αυτό να βάλουμε στον τίτλο.)
throw someone to the dogs = έχω κάποιον για τα μπάζα, τον θεωρώ άχρηστο, π.χ. Young people look upon the older person as someone to be thrown to the dogs (ODE).
throw my life away = χαραμίζω τη ζωή μου, π.χ. Terry Malloy was considered a bum who had thrown his life away after his boxing career fell flat. SYN. throw my life down the drain.


Staff member
And now, Veterinarian's Hospital. On this special episode, our quack who has gone to the dogs will pay tribute to William Shakespeare. :p
