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thick as mince, lazy as a toad & vain as Narcissus

A description of the UK's Brexit secretary, David Davis by Dominic Cummings, the director of the Vote Leave campaign. It would be of interest to me to see what the Greek for this would be. My attempt is:-
χαζός σαν κιμά, τεμπέλης σαν τον φρύνο, ματαιόδοξος σαν τον Νάρκισσο.
I'd like to see what colleagues come up with.:up::s
Thanks, Palαύρα! Concise, laconic & far better than the original. 'As thick as mince' is a Scottish phrase. :)


Pal's suggestion is the expected one. If you want more suggestions in different registers:
στουρνάρι, κοπρίτης και ψώνιο
τουβλο, χαραμοφάης, ψώνιο

Ψώνιο is the best description I think, but you could say νάρκισσος. It entered everyday register again a few years ago to describe a certain finance minister in a polite way.
Thanks, SBE, for the two extra translations. The finance minister you referred to was not, by any chance, Γ----- Β---------? :)
Χαχαχαχα! Πού είναι το ελλείπον νι; Μήπως θέλει να τον λένε Άρκισσο! :)


Staff member
The translation itself can work at so many levels. In addition to the straightforward, single-word translations already proposed, one can go for similes without using a cumbersome preposition («σαν»). One way to do it is using two nouns, stressing the similarity with proverbial qualities (e.g. "έχει την υπομονή γαϊδάρου") or going for obvious opposites ("έχει την ψυχραιμία του τερματοφύλακα πριν το πέναλτι"). One can use cliches or be thoroughly creative. E.g.

Έχει το αϊκιού του ραδικιού, τον ζήλο μαραμένων βλίτων και τη μετριοφροσύνη Άγγλου δανδή.

This goes from the ridiculous to the less ridiculous, and would probably be considered an unsuccessful melange. Better suggestions?
Two predictably outstanding replies from you, Nickel! The missing sigma from Narcissus & that wonderful image of withered pigweed, worthy of Lucian, in a creative tricolon. David Davis can well be proud of the linguistic efforts on his behalf!
IMG_1179.JPG :) :laugh: