The purrrfect thread. Because nobody's purrrfect, unless they're a cat.


Staff member

Ah, Lydia.
She was the most glorious creature under the sun.
! Du Barry! Garbo! Rolled into one.

Lydia, oh Lydia, say, have you met Lydia?
Lydia the cat-tattooed lady
She has eyes that men adore so
And a torso even more so
Lydia, oh Lydia, that ency-cat-pedia
Lydia, the queen of cats' lulz
On her back a sex kitten with a dress all in skulls
All around are the flowers that she only culls
And proudly below fishnet stockings don't lull
You can learn a lot from Lydia

(la la la la la la) :whistle:

source: Lydia, the Tattooed Lady - Groucho Marx

I said Lydia
He said Lydia
I said Lydia
We said Lydia
La la!





Staff member
Hillbilly Cat - Hillbilly Hellcats

Hey, little honey, don't be a scaredy cat
I'm the one who knows where it's at
I'm a hillbilly cat
- What do you think about that?
- Thinks you should go back where you came from. :p

Hillbilly Cats On Speed



Staff member
Tom Cat - Lee Morgan

Lee Morgan - trumpet / Curtis Fuller - trombone / Jackie McLean - alto saxophone / McCoy Tyner - piano / Bob Cranshaw - bass / Art Blakey - drums

1. Tom Cat (Lee Morgan) - 9.50
2. Exotique (Morgan) - 9.34
3. Twice Around (Morgan) - 7.36
4. Twilight Mist (McCoy Tyner) - 6.57
5. Rigormortis (J. Del, Henry Glover, Morris Levy) - 7.27

A really cool cat, gone too early, shot down by the hand of his own kitty:

Morgan was killed in the early hours of February 19, 1972, at Slug's Saloon, a jazz club in New York City's East Village where his band was performing. Following an altercation between sets, Morgan's common-law wife Helen More (a.k.a. Morgan), shot him. The injuries were not immediately fatal, but the ambulance service was reluctant to go into the neighborhood where the club was located. They took so long to get there that Morgan bled to death. He was 33 years old. According to an eyewitness, Miss More (13 years his senior) walked out of the club just before the last set. She returned and the band was already on stage. Lee was trying to get up there, but was talking with some people. He just started to get up the stage, when she entered and called his name. He turned around and she shot him. She then turned the gun on the club's doorman Ernie Holman, who grabbed her wrist and took the gun away from her. She started to scream "Baby, what have I done?" and ran to him. She was later committed to a mental institution for some time.


Δεν ξέρω τι τραγούδια γράφτηκαν, δεν ξέρω τι εικόνες πλάστηκαν, δεν ξέρω παρά μόνο ένα.
Είμαι το κατοικίδιό τους. Δίποδο εργασίας!


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  • why-are-you-on-the-internet-looking-at-other-cats.jpg
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Mod Almighty
Staff member
Νομίζω δεν το έβαλε κανείς ως τώρα:

Two old Cats like Us - Hank Jr./Ray Charles (από το δίσκο Ray Charles & Friends)



Το συγγενικό (όσο πατάει η γάτα) Dogshaming σήμερα, λόγω πρωταπριλιάς, έχει καταληφθεί από τα πανίσχυρα αιλουροειδή, γιεεε! :clap:



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ΥΓ Κάθε φορά που το πατάς, εμφανίζονται κι άλλα γατιά. :)