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that stupid chair, table, lawnmower &c

A simple question. It is very common in the U.K. for a person stumbling into an object to say e.g. 'I hurt my leg on that stupid chair' or to address the object itself, like 'you stupid cat! Get out of my way!' Or 'because of that stupid nail in the door, I've ripped my best trousers'.
Is there a corresponding word(s) in Greek that would be used in such a context?:curse::down:


Staff member
The prefixes: παλιο-, βρομο-, κωλο-, σκατο-, γαμο- (or γαμημένο as an adjective) in increasing levels from annoyance to ire (on to the realm of bloody, fucking, etc.).

Χτύπησα το πόδι μου σ' εκείνη την παλιοκαρέκλα!

Βρομόγατα! Χάσου από μπροστά μου!

Τι κάνεις εκεί πέρα, σκατόπαιδο; — What are you doing there, you stupid child?

Έσκισα το καλό μου παντελόνι και φταίει αυτό το γαμόκαρφο στην πόρτα.
:cool:Brilliant set of answers, 'Man! Swearing, mild or otherwise, is relatively easy until you actually have to use it in this sort of context, then you find that you say something wholly unidiomatic or by a superfluity of γαμημένο's immediately give yourself away as a foreigner. :p


Staff member
...(or γαμημένο as an adjective)
σκατένιο can also be used similarly.
Also, χαζό- (or χαζό as an adjective) is an even milder prefix, which can be used by 6-year olds without being afraid of being admonished.
When I was in college--back in the Punic Wars--there was a fad to add syllabic reduplication to some of the racier options, i.e. say γεγαμημένο (instead of γαμημένο) and πεπηδημένο (instead of πηδημένο). The idea was to take the edge off the profanity while enjoying an in-joke as humanities majors. :D
I like this academic in-jargon, Lefki. It's a habit that can become infectious, particularly if it sounds like an affected stammer. It's not exactly relevant but I loved Eega Beeva in Mickey Mouse when I read the comics, very near the time of the Punic Wars. Eega Beeva had a strange p addition to a lot of his speech. Here's an example:-
Hardly academia but it's a habit like syllabic reduplication that could catch on again.........:D