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Technical terms in Greek coffee making

Is there a convenient list of technical terms used in Greek coffee making, as e.g. the little golden jug that is used to make it. I have listened to the YouTube excerpt, submitted by the good Drx7 & after a while I could understand some of it but most of it was too fast for me to understand. It is to be found under the question ψήνω καφεδάκι. :confused:


Staff member
When you say “the little golden jug” you mean the metallic sleeve into which the cup is inserted? It is called ζάρφι (a Turkish word).


Staff member
When you say “the little golden jug” you mean the metallic sleeve into which the cup is inserted? It is called ζάρφι (a Turkish word).

I think Theseus means the vessel in which we boil it (ψήνουμε), the μπρίκι, παραδοσιακά μπακιρένιο όπως και το ζάρφι.

Το μπρίκι μπακιρένιο
στο ζάρφι το φκερνώ
δίσκο χαλκωματένιο
βαρύ γλυκό να πιω

Μπρίκια κολλάμε, ψύλλους καλιγώνουμε.


Staff member
Ε, ας προσθέσω κι εγώ την εικόνα με το λεξικό ζουμί από το βιδεάκι που έβαλα στο #3, να φαίνονται όλα πιο γρήγορα και πιο εύκολα (για «αναδευτήρας» κάνει κι ένα κουταλάκι, φυσικά):



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Thanks to all colleagues. There is so much fascinating information to digest. So I will read, mark, learn & inwardly digest it. It is a new, unfamiliar & very interesting world to me.
Earion, I seem only to be able to download a two page preview of Ηλίας Πετρόπουλος – Ο τούρκικος καφές εν ελλάδι from the site you recommended. Merely a short summary.