I should like to find out how many terms there are for menstruation from the standard to the colloquial. In a slang Greek popular text [Dirty Greek--a very misleading title as it 'covers everyday slang from what's up to f**ck off']. the author, Cristos Samaras, says that Greek, unlike English, has very few terms for the above. He gives only three έχω περίοδο, μόλις αδιαθέτησα & έχει λίγο PMS. I have heard, but it was used about a man, έχει τα ρούχα του (he's like a bear with a sore head). Students at my own school on occasions have excused themselves from lessons on the grounds that they are menstruating or have bad stomachache. Older terms in English talk about 'the curse' or 'the way/custom of women'. In the term ήρθαν οι Ρώσοι is mentioned. Now more enlightened people talk openly about what is universal among at least half the human race, though I still have heard--relatively often--both men & women use terms like 'the decorators are in/she's got the decorators in' or who call menstruation 'Auntie Flo'. How many terms are current in Greek speech, ranging from the educated to the more colloquial, if there indeed are any of the latter apart from ήρθαν οι Ρώσοι, unless this too is only a term current among devotees of Λίλιαν...:blush: