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Strongboy (building term)


From what I understand from Google, Strongboy is a brand name
The strongboy is a masonry prop which provides offset support for walls, enabling work to continue beneath the prop without risk of collapse.
Yes, I think it is but is there a Greek masonry term to match the illustration, i.e. a wall prop head.


Επειδή δεν είμαστε όλοι λάτρεις της φρίκης, βάλε μια προειδοποίηση "Σκληρές εικόνες"!


To be honest, I've never noticed anything like that.

But while trying to find images I learned a new word (well not quite, as I had heard it before in slang usage): πρέκι= lintel
As for the strongboy, it's a prop, so a στήριγμα or υποστύλωση. But I don't know if there's a specific name for those in Greek.
Thanks, as ever, SBE. When we had our kitchen renovated six years ago, all the talk by the builders was about needing 'acro-props' [from the Greek άκρος be it said] & 'strongboys', which our build took as the technical term, not, it seems, knowing that it was a trade name.