Παραθέτω το απόσπασμα του κειμένου, μήπως και βοηθήσω περισσότερο... και κατά συνέπεια με βοηθήσετε περισσότερο. Στην πρώτη παράγραφο φαίνονται τα 5 measures και στην τελευταία φαίνεται... το πρόβλημά μου...
Η αλήθεια είναι ότι έπρεπε εξ'αρχής να σας δώσω και το υπόλοιπο κομμάτι, αλλά νόμιζα ότι η συγκεκριμένη πρόταση ήταν το πρόβλημα. Έλα όμως που δεν είναι...
Performance measures
Following prior studies (Skaggs and Huffman, 2003), perceptual performance data
were collected using a five-point Likert scale that measured the satisfaction with the
firms’ return on sales, return on investment, return on assets, growth of sales, and
growth of profitability over the previous five years. We asked the question: “Rate the
performance of your firm’s vis-a`-vis those of the industry in which you operate”.
Answer categories were:
. below industry average;
. approximately equal to industry average; and
. better than industry average.
We factor analysed the five perceptual measures yielding a single construct (a= 0.86).
A principal components analysis was conducted on the measures to determine if they
described a more general notion of performance. A single factor (a= 0.75) emerged
supporting our conviction that the performance measures were actually part of a larger
performance construct.We used this overall composite as the measure of firm performance.