Σ' αυτήν εδώ τη σελίδα, που μοιάζει σαν παλιά έκδοση της Wikipedia, έχει τα τρία είδη πολυδολοφόνων (multiple murderers):
The term serial killer is widely believed to have been coined either by FBI agent Robert Ressler or by Dr. Robert D. Keppel in the 1970s (the credit for the term is still disputed). Serial killer entered the popular vernacular in large part due to the well-publicized crimes of Ted Bundy and David Berkowitz ("Son of Sam") in the middle years of that decade.
The term allows criminologists to distinguish those who kill several people over a long period of time from those who kill several people during a single event (mass murderers). A third type of multiple killer is a spree killer.
The following are brief definitions of these three types:
Τώρα ο gregan (καλωσήρθες, gregan) βάζει και τις αλλεπάλληλες δολοφονίες στο τραπέζι. Το θέμα είναι ότι μπορούμε να έχουμε έναν νομικό όρο, όπως τον ορίζουν οι νόμοι της ελληνικής επικράτειας (ο λόγος στους νομικούς), και κάνα-δυο όρους της πιάτσας, για μυθιστορήματα, υπότιτλους, εφημερίδες. Φοβάμαι ότι ακόμα και εύστοχοι όροι είναι πολύ αργά για να εκτοπίσουν την ποικιλία που συνθέτει το σημερινό αλαλούμ.
The term serial killer is widely believed to have been coined either by FBI agent Robert Ressler or by Dr. Robert D. Keppel in the 1970s (the credit for the term is still disputed). Serial killer entered the popular vernacular in large part due to the well-publicized crimes of Ted Bundy and David Berkowitz ("Son of Sam") in the middle years of that decade.
The term allows criminologists to distinguish those who kill several people over a long period of time from those who kill several people during a single event (mass murderers). A third type of multiple killer is a spree killer.
The following are brief definitions of these three types:
- A serial killer is someone who commits three or more murders over an extended period of time with cooling-off periods in between. In between their crimes, they appear to be quite normal, a state which Hervey Cleckley and Robert Hare call the "mask of sanity." There is sometimes — but not always — a sexual element to the murders.
- A mass murderer, on the other hand, is an individual who kills ten or more people in a single event and in one location. The perpetrators sometimes commit suicide, meaning knowledge of their state of mind and what triggers their actions is often left to more speculation than fact. Mass murderers who are caught sometimes claim they cannot clearly remember the event.
- A spree killer commits multiple murders in different locations over a period of time that may vary from a few hours to several days. Unlike serial killers, however, they do not revert to their normal behavior in between slayings.
Τώρα ο gregan (καλωσήρθες, gregan) βάζει και τις αλλεπάλληλες δολοφονίες στο τραπέζι. Το θέμα είναι ότι μπορούμε να έχουμε έναν νομικό όρο, όπως τον ορίζουν οι νόμοι της ελληνικής επικράτειας (ο λόγος στους νομικούς), και κάνα-δυο όρους της πιάτσας, για μυθιστορήματα, υπότιτλους, εφημερίδες. Φοβάμαι ότι ακόμα και εύστοχοι όροι είναι πολύ αργά για να εκτοπίσουν την ποικιλία που συνθέτει το σημερινό αλαλούμ.