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run it by someone

The expression. "to run something by someone" means to show the other a document or more often to explain an idea to that person. You might need their approval for a document that you have written or you might like their reaction to your idea. The register would be very informal and relaxed.
--Hey, son. Can I run something by you? Should I buy this new iPhone or not?
--Seems fine to me.
--But really think about it. I want advice not summary approval. :glare:
Συμβουλεύομαι κάποιον or ζητάω την γνώμη κάποιου for a more informal register.

-Γιώργο, να ρωτήσω την γνώμη σου για κάτι; Αυτό το νέο iPhone τι λέει; Να το αγοράσω;
-Ό,τι θες κάνε ρε γέρο. Παίζω Oblivion τώρα, άσε με γιατί θα μου φύγει ο δράκος και θα αρχίσω τις Χριστοπαναγίες.

-Κύριε διευθυντά, μάς κάνουν μήνυση 1300 πελάτες για διάθεση ληγμένων προϊόντων στην αγορά.
-Να συμβουλευτούμε τους δικηγόρους μας.
Εγώ πάντως συχνά λέω (σε ηλεμηνύματα, που είναι σαν προφορικός λόγος): "Μεγάλε, τα φώτα σου. Πώς θα ενώσω πολλά μικρά αρχεία πεντέφ σ' ένα μεγάλο πεντέφι;" (Μη μου απαντήσετε, ρώτησα κι έμαθα).


Staff member
— Άντρα, θα μου δώσεις τα φώτα σου;
— Νέε μου, μπορώ να ζητήσω τα φώτα σου;


Re: run it by

Σημαίνει και επανάλαβε το, για πες το ξανά.

Σε φράσεις όπως: " Run it by me again", "Do you mind running that by me again".
πεντέφ/πεντέφι; Are these technical computer terms and is the latter πεντέφι two words i.e. πεντέ φι;
(Μη μου απαντήσετε, ρώτησα κι έμαθα). Does this mean - very idiomatically - ' Don't answer me, I have asked a question to learn/find out the answer.'


Staff member
πεντέφ/πεντέφι; Are these technical computer terms and is the latter πεντέφι two words i.e. πεντέ φι;'
It's one word, πεντέφι, and it's a colloquial way of writing "PDF file" in Greek, influenced by its pronunciation in French [pe-de-ef]. The technical term would be "αρχείο PDF".

πεντέφ/πεντέφι; Are these technical computer terms and is the latter πεντέφι two words i.e. πεντέ φι;
(Μη μου απαντήσετε, ρώτησα κι έμαθα). Does this mean - very idiomatically - ' Don't answer me, I have asked a question to learn/find out the answer.'
Word for word: Don't answer. I've (already) asked and found out.
I wouldn't say πεντέφι is a word used by more than 100 people, hence saying it's colloquial is a bit of a stretch.


Staff member
Colloquial does not go with the popularity stakes. It means it is informal and used in familiar conversation.