Η επιρροή του Φρόυντ ήταν πολύ ισχυρή σε αυτού του είδους το σινεμά και οι σύγχρονοι στοχαστές λατρεύουν τις ψυχαναλυτικές αναλύσεις αυτών των ταινιών του Γερμανικού εξπρεσσιονισμού, ειδικά αν αναλογιστεί κανείς ότι ο Δράκος του Ντύσσελντορφ ήταν η πρώτη ταινία για σήριαλ κίλλερς. Εμένα μου φαίνεται απίθανο το rebelle regressif να μην έχει καθόλου ψυχαναλυτική χροιά.
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M (1931)
One of the first films to seriously explore the subject of psychopathy was Fritz Lang's 1931 German Expressionist suspense thriller, M, which features a celebrated performance by Peter Lorre as a manic serial killer who compulsively preys on young children.
However, the anti-social psychopathology of the Lorre character is presented as particularly complex. In the film, the killer appears to be internally conflicted and motivated more by a desperate need to relieve some overwhelming mental stressor or persistent trauma or delusion rather than a deliberate wanton indulgence of vicious, egotistical impulses for their own enjoyment (as is the case with most psychopaths).
Also, when finally captured and interrogated by a kangaroo court, the killer's own tortured explanation of his condition and the underlying reasons for his actions (as he understands them) sound closer to symptoms of possible psychosis than psychopathy.[46]