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project charter = καταστατικό του έργου


New member
Στα ελληνικά πώς αποδίδεται το project charger charter;

Μία περιγραφή υπάρχει εδώ
"The project charter is the final task in the initiation phase of project management. The project charger charter is what you will bring to the table when you are asking for money to begin a project or looking for bids. This will include costs, tasks, deliverables, and a detailed schedule from start to finish."


Staff member
Το κείμενο που λινκάρεις έχει πληκτρολίσθημα, γιατί ο όρος με αυτή τη σημασία είναι project charter, OK;
Διορθώνω και τον τίτλο του νήματος. Όσο για την απόδοση, περιμένω κι εγώ ο ανοικονόμητος και άμπιζνος τους αρμόδιους για να μάθω.

In project management, a project charter, project definition, or project statement is a statement of the scope, objectives, and participants in a project. It provides a preliminary delineation of roles and responsibilities, outlines the project objectives, identifies the main stakeholders, and defines the authority of the project manager. It serves as a reference of authority for the future of the project. The terms of reference are usually part of the project charter. The project charter is usually a short document that refers to more detailed documents such as a new offering request or a request for proposal.

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