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privacy = ιδιωτικότητα, ιδιωτική ζωή


Good morning friends,

I am wondering if I could get your opinion on the concept of privacy -- which is such a big deal in the United States -- but am not sure has a literal translation in Greek. Am I right?

Thank you.



Mod Almighty
Staff member
Also, «ιδιωτική ζωή». You will also hear the phrase «προσωπικά δεδομένα» (private data) which, when used by laymen, refers to the same thing.


Interesting. Thank you to both of you.

On a slightly different note, how would one translate the following sentence? "The neighbor's windows can see in to our garden and we have no privacy."

I'm struggling with that.


Staff member
Χμ... Μια ιδέα:

Τα παράθυρα του γείτονα βλέπουν στον κήπο μας και δεν μας αφήνουν (να έχουμε) ιδιωτική ζωή.


Mod Almighty
Staff member
In Greek, we would could also just say Τα παράθυρα του γείτονα βλέπουν στον κήπο μας και φαινόμαστε - i.e. we are seen, but it's inferred that you have a problem with that. For example, if your bathroom window was transparent and people could see you, your neighbour might tell you Φαίνεστε από το παράθυρο του μπάνιου, i.e. we can see you.

Alternatively, Τα παράθυρα του γείτονα βλέπουν στον κήπο μας και δεν μπορούμε να κινηθούμε με την άνεσή μας - i.e. we can't move about at our own ease.


Thank you, all. I appreciate both the more formal and casual expressions you have suggested. Thank you very much.