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Staff member
noun (plural placemen)
(British derogatory)

A person appointed to a position, especially in government service, for personal profit and as a reward for political support.
  • he vetoed the appointment of a Labour councillor in favour of his Tory placeman
  • In this respect, the oligarchs and their political placemen who insist that their right to stolen property is sacred make the same crude claim as the regime that we overthrew: that they have an indefeasible right to the exercise of power.
  • It also indicates that many Labour ministers aren't sincere believers in the Third Way, but are placemen and women interested chiefly in their careers.
  • However, a new way of appointing or electing its members is required which will effectively avoid both placemen and a mix of political views which mirror the House of Commons.
  • High flat rate payments merely encourage the nomination of placemen who may have little or no connection with the areas they represent and whose attendance may be sparse.
  • Critics of the selection procedure within the party say that the union influence is installing a number of placemen who will merely act as Labour voting fodder in the House of Commons.

Κομματικός διορισμός; Αλεξιπτωτιστής; Όχι «εγκάθετος», έτσι; Δεν μπορεί, κάποια λέξη πρέπει να έχουμε που ταιριάζει καλύτερα.
In the political history of Britain, placemen were Members of Parliament who held paid office in the civil service, generally sinecures, simultaneously with their seat in the legislature.

Aπό Wikipedia

Εδώ φαίνεται πως ο placeman έχει και μια πιο ειδική σημασία, πέραν του "θεσιθήρα" και του "αλεξιπτωτιστή" ή του "εγκάθετου". Ήταν το μέλος του αγγλικού Κοινοβουλίου που ταυτόχρονα ήταν και δημόσιος υπάλληλος ή αξιωματούχος.
Στο Μέγα Αγγλοελληνικόν Λεξικόν (επιμ. Τσαβέα) διαβάζουμε:
placeman (υποτιμ.): γραφειοκράτης, άνθρωπος που σκέπτεται μόνο τη θεσούλα του/αρριβίστας