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money for old rope

Three suggested origins are:-
1) rope made from hemp had a limited lifetime. When it wore out it was picked apart and recycled. It was used for caulking. Rope fibres (known as oakum) were hammered into the seams between planks of a ship and hot pitch was poured over it. This was done to waterproof the ship. Of course you got money for the old rope. The phrase came to mean money for anything (seemingly) worthless.
2) the phrase refers to the sale of a hangman's rope.
None of these is very plausible.
Anyhow, money for old rope is money you get for doing something very easy.
--Babysitting is money for old rope if the children don't wake up.
--They always get the weather forecast wrong. The job of the weatherman is money for old rope! :mad:


Staff member
Είσαι σίγουρη, Μπέρνι; Αυτό που δίνεις είναι από τη σκοπιά αυτού που πληρώνει. Όμως:
Anyhow, money for old rope is money you get for doing something very easy.

Εγώ θα έλεγα το απλό: (Πολύ) εύκολα λεφτά


They always get the weather forecast wrong. The job of the weatherman is money for old rope!

Αυτό δεν είναι πεταμένα λεφτά;

Ίσως δεν είναι τόσο σαφές από τίνος τη μεριά το εννοεί ο Θησέας. Μπορεί και από τις δύο. Εν τοιαύτη περιπτώσει, με τον τρόπο που το εννοείς εσύ, θα το έλεγα απλώς αρπαχτή με την πρώτη σημασία.


Staff member
Τα «πολύ εύκολα λεφτά» είναι αρπαχτή — ή μήπως «σαν να κλέβεις παγκάρι»;


Staff member
Καθαρά easy money.

money for old rope (or money for jam)
British informal money or reward earned for little or no effort: he charged £65 for a 30-minute consultation—talk about money for old rope

money for jam
Money that is easily made
Man, do you know how much I got for writing this piece? And it only took me half an hour to do it. I'm telling you, it was money for jam.

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