Η παρακάτω περιγραφή είναι από το πρώτο βιβλίο του Ντίκενς, τα (αμετάφραστα) Χρονικά του Πίκγουικ (Pickwick Papers). Ο κύριος Πίκγουικ είναι φιλοξενούμενος των Γουόρντλ και τα παρακάτω συμβαίνουν στη μεγάλη κουζίνα του σπιτιού, όπου συγκεντρώνονται την παραμονή των Χριστουγέννων.
Το mistletoe είναι το gui των Γάλλων και το γκι των Ελλήνων. Η επίσημη ονομασία του φυτού είναι Viscum album. Ιξία στους αρχαίους, ιξός σήμερα. Όπως καταλαβαίνετε από το Viscum και από τον ιξό, από την κολλώδη ουσία που παίρναν από το φυτό, τον ιξό (birdlime), έφτιαχναν τις ξόβεργες (lime twigs). (Δεν περιορίστηκε στο φυτό ιξός η συλλογή του ιξού για ξόβεργες. Περισσότερα στο birdlime. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birdlime)
Ο ιξός είναι παρασιτικό φυτό που αναπτύσσεται πάνω στο έλατο και άλλα δέντρα, σαν τη βαλανιδιά. Θεωρήθηκε ότι είχε μαγικές και θεραπευτικές ιδιότητες, γι’ αυτό στα Αστερίξ ο δρυΐδης είναι συνέχεια σκαρφαλωμένος πάνω σε κάποια δρυ και μαζεύει κλαδιά ιξού. Το σχολιάζει και ο Πλίνιος ο Πρεσβύτερος στη Φυσική Ιστορία του (XVI, 95):
Από το Asterix and the Golden Sickle
Την αναφορά στο έθιμο του φιλιού τη βρίσκουμε για πρώτη φορά στις ιστορίες του Ουάσινγκτον Έρβινγκ (πανάθεμά σε, Μήτσο — καλά το «Ουάσινγκτον», αλλά το «Ίρβινγκ» δεν το αντέχω με τίποτα).
Χρόνια πολλά!
Ενδιαφέρουσες πληροφορίες έχουν και τα:
From the centre of the ceiling of this kitchen, old Wardle had just suspended, with his own hands, a huge branch of mistletoe, and this same branch of mistletoe instantaneously gave rise to a scene of general and most delightful struggling and confusion; in the midst of which, Mr. Pickwick, with a gallantry that would have done honour to a descendant of Lady Tollimglower herself, took the old lady by the hand, led her beneath the mystic branch, and saluted her in all courtesy and decorum. The old lady submitted to this piece of practical politeness with all the dignity which befitted so important and serious a solemnity, but the younger ladies, not being so thoroughly imbued with a superstitious veneration for the custom, or imagining that the value of a salute is very much enhanced if it cost a little trouble to obtain it, screamed and struggled, and ran into corners, and threatened and remonstrated, and did everything but leave the room, until some of the less adventurous gentlemen were on the point of desisting, when they all at once found it useless to resist any longer, and submitted to be kissed with a good grace. Mr. Winkle kissed the young lady with the black eyes, and Mr. Snodgrass kissed Emily; and Mr. Weller, not being particular about the form of being under the mistletoe, kissed Emma and the other female servants, just as he caught them. As to the poor relations, they kissed everybody, not even excepting the plainer portions of the young lady visitors, who, in their excessive confusion, ran right under the mistletoe, as soon as it was hung up, without knowing it! Wardle stood with his back to the fire, surveying the whole scene, with the utmost satisfaction; and the fat boy took the opportunity of appropriating to his own use, and summarily devouring, a particularly fine mince-pie, that had been carefully put by, for somebody else.
Now, the screaming had subsided, and faces were in a glow, and curls in a tangle, and Mr. Pickwick, after kissing the old lady as before mentioned, was standing under the mistletoe, looking with a very pleased countenance on all that was passing around him, when the young lady with the black eyes, after a little whispering with the other young ladies, made a sudden dart forward, and, putting her arm round Mr. Pickwick's neck, saluted him affectionately on the left cheek; and before Mr. Pickwick distinctly knew what was the matter, he was surrounded by the whole body, and kissed by every one of them.
Now, the screaming had subsided, and faces were in a glow, and curls in a tangle, and Mr. Pickwick, after kissing the old lady as before mentioned, was standing under the mistletoe, looking with a very pleased countenance on all that was passing around him, when the young lady with the black eyes, after a little whispering with the other young ladies, made a sudden dart forward, and, putting her arm round Mr. Pickwick's neck, saluted him affectionately on the left cheek; and before Mr. Pickwick distinctly knew what was the matter, he was surrounded by the whole body, and kissed by every one of them.
Το mistletoe είναι το gui των Γάλλων και το γκι των Ελλήνων. Η επίσημη ονομασία του φυτού είναι Viscum album. Ιξία στους αρχαίους, ιξός σήμερα. Όπως καταλαβαίνετε από το Viscum και από τον ιξό, από την κολλώδη ουσία που παίρναν από το φυτό, τον ιξό (birdlime), έφτιαχναν τις ξόβεργες (lime twigs). (Δεν περιορίστηκε στο φυτό ιξός η συλλογή του ιξού για ξόβεργες. Περισσότερα στο birdlime. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birdlime)
Ο ιξός είναι παρασιτικό φυτό που αναπτύσσεται πάνω στο έλατο και άλλα δέντρα, σαν τη βαλανιδιά. Θεωρήθηκε ότι είχε μαγικές και θεραπευτικές ιδιότητες, γι’ αυτό στα Αστερίξ ο δρυΐδης είναι συνέχεια σκαρφαλωμένος πάνω σε κάποια δρυ και μαζεύει κλαδιά ιξού. Το σχολιάζει και ο Πλίνιος ο Πρεσβύτερος στη Φυσική Ιστορία του (XVI, 95):
Upon this occasion we must not omit to mention the admiration that is lavished upon this plant by the Gauls. The Druids—for that is the name they give to their magicians— held nothing more sacred than the mistletoe and the tree that bears it, supposing always that tree to be the robur. [Είπαμε και στον Ροβύρο ότι robur είναι η λατινική λέξη για την αγριοβελανιδιά.] Of itself the robur is selected by them to form whole groves, and they perform none of their religious rites without employing branches of it; so much so, that it is very probable that the priests themselves may have received their name from the Greek name [Μάλλον κελτικό είναι, λένε οι ετυμολόγοι] for that tree. In fact, it is the notion with them that everything that grows on it has been sent immediately from heaven, and that the mistletoe upon it is a proof that the tree has been selected by God himself as an object of his especial favour.
Από το Asterix and the Golden Sickle
The mistletoe, however, is but rarely found upon the robur; and when found, is gathered with rites replete with religious awe. This is done more particularly on the fifth day of the moon, the day which is the beginning of their months and years, as also of their ages, which, with them, are but thirty years. This day they select because the moon, though not yet in the middle of her course, has already considerable power and influence; and they call her by a name which signifies, in their language, the all-healing. Having made all due preparation for the sacrifice and a banquet beneath the trees, they bring thither two white bulls, the horns of which are bound then for the first time. Clad in a white robe the priest ascends the tree, and cuts the mistletoe with a golden sickle, which is received by others in a white cloak. They then immolate the victims, offering up their prayers that God will render this gift of his propitious to those to whom he has so granted it. It is the belief with them that the mistletoe, taken in drink, will impart fecundity to all animals that are barren, and that it is an antidote for all poisons. Such are the religious feelings which we find entertained towards trifling objects among nearly all nations.
Την αναφορά στο έθιμο του φιλιού τη βρίσκουμε για πρώτη φορά στις ιστορίες του Ουάσινγκτον Έρβινγκ (πανάθεμά σε, Μήτσο — καλά το «Ουάσινγκτον», αλλά το «Ίρβινγκ» δεν το αντέχω με τίποτα).
the Yule log and Christmas candle were regularly burnt, and the mistletoe, with its white berries, hung up, to the imminent peril of all the pretty housemaids. [NOTE: The mistletoe is still hung up in farm-houses and kitchens at Christmas; and the young men have the privilege of kissing the girls under it, plucking each time a berry from the bush. When the berries are all plucked, the privilege ceases.]
On reaching the church-porch, we found the parson rebuking the gray-headed sexton for having used mistletoe among the greens with which the church was decorated. It was, he observed, an unholy plant, profaned by having been used by the Druids in their mystic ceremonies; and though it might be innocently employed in the festive ornamenting of halls and kitchens, yet it had been deemed by the Fathers of the Church as unhallowed, and totally unfit for sacred purposes. So tenacious was he on this point, that the poor sexton was obliged to strip down a great part of the humble trophies of his taste, before the parson would consent to enter upon the service of the day.
On reaching the church-porch, we found the parson rebuking the gray-headed sexton for having used mistletoe among the greens with which the church was decorated. It was, he observed, an unholy plant, profaned by having been used by the Druids in their mystic ceremonies; and though it might be innocently employed in the festive ornamenting of halls and kitchens, yet it had been deemed by the Fathers of the Church as unhallowed, and totally unfit for sacred purposes. So tenacious was he on this point, that the poor sexton was obliged to strip down a great part of the humble trophies of his taste, before the parson would consent to enter upon the service of the day.
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Ενδιαφέρουσες πληροφορίες έχουν και τα: