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managed care = ελεγχόμενη περίθαλψη


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Any arrangement for health care in which an organization, such as an HMO, another type of doctor-hospital network, or an insurance company, acts an intermediate between the person seeking care and the physician.

Managed care is the enrollment of patients into a plan that makes capitated payments to health care providers on behalf of its members, thus shifting the financial risk for health care from patients and payers to providers. The intent of this shift is to provide incentives to health care professionals to reduce their utilization of resources, ideally through measures such as health promotion and disease prevention among the group's members.

The phrase "managed care" is often loosely used to describe almost any attempt to limit health care expenditures in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Traditionally, however, managed-care plan members are cared for only by doctors who are part of the group. Each member is assigned a primary care physician who acts as that member's main caregiver and care coordinator, thus limiting the member's access to specialists and other more expensive types of care.

Στο κόντεξτ του υποτίτλου ταιριάζει περισσότερο αυτό που έχω τονίσει, δηλαδή λέγεται με περιφρόνηση:
Bruce couldn't even afford a real hospital. Managed care!
Αφού είναι υπότιτλος, θα πήγαινα σε κάτι αρκετά πιο ελεύθερο για να γίνει κατανοητό.

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"Τι Σύστημα Υγείας είναι αυτό!"
"Σύστημα Υγείας σου λένε μετά!"