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Love Story in Greek


This one should be an easy one but what would be the best phrase for a "love story" in Greek as in films? For example, the famous movie from the early 70's called "Love Story" how would one translate it in to Greek?

Thank you.


The film was Ιστορία Αγάπης and you can hear that phrase used in general.
Αλλα λέμε:
αισθηματική ιστορία
ερωτική ιστορία
(το) λαβ-στόρι (ειρωνικά ή χιουμοριστικά)

The 1973 film that is known in English as Love and Anarchy is Ιστορία Έρωτα και Αναρχίας.


And παράφορος έρωτας is what English speakers (especially journalists) describe as amour fou.


Makes sense, SBE, but then if you are going to use "ερωτική ιστορία" how does one distinguish - if I may - between a love story and an x-rated film?:oops:


You would not describe an adult film as ερωτική ιστορία.
I don't have access to a detailed modern Greek dictionary, but I'm guessing that just as in English story is not only a narrative but also a situation, a combination of circumstances. Therefore and ερωτική ιστορία is what happened to Romeo and Juliet.
I know that English language learners of Greek, confuse the usage of ερωτικός.
ερωτική εξομολόγηση = a declaration of love
ερωτική περιπέτεια = love affair
ερωτικός δεσμός = love affair, relationship (ο Α διατηρούσε ερωτικό δεσμό με τον Β= A and B were in a relationship)
ερωτική σχέση= see δεσμός
ερωτική απογοήτευση= heartbreak
ερωτικό μυθιστόρημα= anything from to Wuthering Heights to Justine (not the Durrell novel). The context is important here I think.
And going back to films, I have always used ερωτική ταινία and αισθηματική ταινία interchangeably, and when I lived in Greece in polite company you would refer to adult films as αισθησιακές ταινίες, αισθησιακός κινηματογράφος. But more recently I have seen ερωτικός used as a translation of erotic, as in ερωτικό θρίλερ etc. Personally I get confused. For example. I was reading the TV schedule and there was a film described as ερωτικό δράμα and I said "μα αυτό δεν είναι ερωτικό δράμα, είναι τσόντα" and I was told that, no, that's what they are called. OK, whatever. But if it said αισθησιακή ταινία there would be no ambiguity.

And that's what a non expert has to say.


Well-known member
Δηλαδή η ιστορία αγάπης, εξομολόγηση αγάπης, περιπέτεια αγάπης (κτλ.) πάνε περίπατο;
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From #5 "μα αυτό δεν είναι ερωτικό δράμα, είναι τσόντα"

Παίζουν τσόντες και τα ελεύθερα κανάλια; :LOL:

@pontios SBE has addressed those in her posts above.


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ΟΚ (thanks, cougr)
... το "Αλλα λέμε" (με το "Α" του "Αλλα" χωρίς τόνο - SBE's #2) - I thought was saying: "but we usually say." (=αλλά λέμε)
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Δηλαδή η ιστορία αγάπης, εξομολόγηση αγάπης, περιπέτεια αγάπης (κτλ.) πάνε περίπατο;
Δεν εχω ακούσει ποτέ για εξομολόγηση αγάπης και περιπέτεια αγαπης. Ερωτική εξομολόγιση και ερωτική περιπέτεια λέγονται.
Και εδώ το ερωτική δεν σημαίνει erotic.