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New Colorful Grasshopper Discovered in Mexico Named after Singer Lila Downs
May 9, 2014

A grasshopper that was recently discovered on the side of a mountain road near Oaxaca, Mexico by University of Central Florida scientists (UCF) now bears the name Liladownsia fraile after Grammy-award-winning singer and activist Ana Lila Downs Sánchez.
The scientists named the new species after the Mexican-American singer as a nod to her efforts to preserve indigenous culture and her penchant for wearing
colorful, local costumes as part of her performances.

“It was primarily Paolo’s idea to name the grasshopper after the singer,” said Derek Woller, one of the authors of the paper, referring to colleague Paolo Fontana. “He’s a big fan of Lila Downs (her stage name). The grasshopper is so beautiful, so vibrant, and colorful. When he told us all about her, her work, her colorful clothes, and that she was born in the region where we found the specimens, we thought, ‘Yeah, that’s great, let’s do it.’”
The grasshopper measures about an inch long on average and resembles a fiery rainbow, with blue, red, yellow, orange, and black markings. Photos and a description appear in the journal Zootaxa.
The researchers discovered the new species in 2011 while doing fieldwork for another grasshopper study in a pine-oak forest of the Sierra Madre del Sur Mountain Range in Oaxaca, Mexico.
There are about 9,700 known species of grasshoppers in the world. Locals called the creature the friar grasshopper because its head looks a bit like a monk with his hood pulled back. In Spanish “fraile” means friar. That’s why the full scientific name of the grasshopper is Liladownsia fraile.
“This taxon is dedicated to Lila Downs for a number of reasons, such as the fact that she was born in the vicinity of the type locality and because she incorporates several indigenous tongues from Mexico into her musical style, including Mixteco and Zapoteco (the latter of which is spoken in the type locality). Additionally, Lila Downs has not only promoted the vast cultural diversity of Mexico worldwide via her music, but also through the use of bright colors, a staple of Mexican culture, and considering that this new genus is brightly colored, we would like to recognize her efforts through the dedication of this new genus.”

Mariño-Pérez said the discovery of the grasshopper is an important reminder to all of us to be mindful of the way we use our planet.
“We are in an era of biodiversity crisis,” he said. “Every day species are disappearing, in some cases even before being discovered. This discovery is a reminder that new species are not only in the middle of the Amazon or in the deep forests of Africa, but also next to the road in a more or less populated area.”

by Entomology Today


Α, καλά που ανάστησες αυτό το νήμα. Για να βγει το ερωτηματικό από τη δεύτερη ακρίδα, μαζί με την ακρίδα.

Και να μπει ο γρύλος και το τριζόνι (που δεν είναι παρά γρύλος αλλά αλλιώτικος. :p Όποιος έχει βρεθεί έστω και μια βραδιά έξω στη φύση μπορεί να ξεχωρίσει το τραγούδι του ενός και του άλλου. Αγαπημένα νυχτόβια έντομα. :wub: )

Και κάπου από το βάθος ακούγεται μια φωνή που ολοένα δυναμώνει, να φωνάζει: "Πανξουτόνι, Πανξουτόνι!". Αλλά επειδή πρωί πρωί είμαι λιγάκι ζαβή, κάτι μου λέει πως πρόκειται απλώς για ντεζαβί... :cool: :rolleyes: :whistle:


Staff member
Δεν θα συμφωνήσω ότι το grasshopper είναι γρύλος ή τριζόνι, αν και κάποιοι μπορεί να είναι, π.χ.

Insects in the family Tettigoniidae are commonly called katydids or bush crickets. There are more than 6,400 species. They are also known as long-horned grasshoppers, although they are more closely related to crickets and weta than to any type of grasshopper.

Θα γράψω κι άλλα όταν θα αποφασίσει να σταθεροποιηθεί η σύνδεσή μου και να μη μου σπάει τα νεύρα δευτεριάτικα. Προς το παρόν, στέλνω συνδέσμους για να ενισχύσουν το μπέρδεμα:Ακρίδα


Staff member
Και κάπου από το βάθος ακούγεται μια φωνή που ολοένα δυναμώνει, να φωνάζει: "Πανξουτόνι, Πανξουτόνι!". Αλλά επειδή πρωί πρωί είμαι λιγάκι ζαβή, κάτι μου λέει πως πρόκειται απλώς για ντεζαβί... :cool: :rolleyes: :whistle:ζίκια-τη-νύχτα&p=196490&viewfull=1#post196490
Και, φυσικά, η εξομολόγησή μου συνεχίζει να ισχύει: Καθόλου δεν μπορώ να πω τι είναι αυτό που θορυβεί — γρύλος, τριζόνι, τζιτζίκι, αηδόνι ή ό,τι άλλο. Αλλά μπορώ να ξεχωρίσω έναν κινητήρα στα κοφτίδια από έναν άλλον — so I got that goin' for me, which is nice. :D