It's going to get worse


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Δημοσιεύτηκε στα Νέα, στη στήλη του Μ. Μητσού, κάπως κουτσουρεμένο.

Έγινε γνωστός από το πρώτο του κιόλας µυθιστόρηµα, µε τον τίτλο «Γενιά Χ» (1991).
Ο 49χρονος καναδός συγγραφέας Ντάγκλας Κόουπλαντ κάνει τώρα µερικές προβλέψεις για την επόµενη δεκαετία.

Συνέχεια εδώ και εδώ.

Δημοσιεύω τα 45 σημεία του πρωτότυπου. Με όλες τις λεπτομέρειες μπορείτε να διαβάσετε τις απαισιόδοξες προβλέψεις του στην εφημερίδα ή στο συνημμένο.

A radical pessimist's guide to the next 10 years
by Douglas Coupland
From Saturday's Globe and Mail Published Friday, Oct. 08, 2010 6:49PM EDT

The iconic writer reveals the shape of things to come, with 45 tips for survival and a matching glossary of the new words you'll need to talk about your messed-up future.
  1. It's going to get worse
  2. The future isn't going to feel futuristic
  3. The future is going to happen no matter what we do. The future will feel even faster than it does now
  4. Move to Vancouver, San Diego, Shannon or Liverpool
  5. You'll spend a lot of your time feeling like a dog leashed to a pole outside the grocery store – separation anxiety will become your permanent state
  6. The middle class is over. It's not coming back
  7. Retail will start to resemble Mexican drugstores
  8. Try to live near a subway entrance
  9. The suburbs are doomed, especially those E.T. , California-style suburbs
  10. In the same way you can never go backward to a slower computer, you can never go backward to a lessened state of connectedness
  11. Old people won't be quite so clueless
  12. Expect less
  13. Enjoy lettuce while you still can
  14. Something smarter than us is going to emerge
  15. Make sure you've got someone to change your diaper
  16. “You” will be turning into a cloud of data that circles the planet like a thin gauze
  17. You may well burn out on the effort of being an individual
  18. Untombed landfills will glut the market with 20th-century artifacts
  19. The Arctic will become like Antarctica – an everyone/no one space
  20. North America can easily fragment quickly as did the Eastern Bloc in 1989
  21. We will still be annoyed by people who pun, but we will be able to show them mercy because punning will be revealed to be some sort of connectopathic glitch: The punner, like someone with Tourette's, has no medical ability not to pun
  22. Your sense of time will continue to shred. Years will feel like hours
  23. Everyone will be feeling the same way as you
  24. It is going to become much easier to explain why you are the way you are
  25. Dreams will get better
  26. Being alone will become easier
  27. Hooking up will become ever more mechanical and binary
  28. It will become harder to view your life as “a story”
  29. You will have more say in how long or short you wish your life to feel
  30. Some existing medical conditions will be seen as sequencing malfunctions
  31. The built world will continue looking more and more like Microsoft packaging
  32. Musical appreciation will shed all age barriers
  33. People who shun new technologies will be viewed as passive-aggressive control freaks trying to rope people into their world, much like vegetarian teenage girls in the early 1980s
  34. You're going to miss the 1990s more than you ever thought
  35. Stupid people will be in charge, only to be replaced by ever-stupider people. You will live in a world without kings, only princes in whom our faith is shattered
  36. Metaphor drift will become pandemic
  37. People will stop caring how they appear to others
  38. Knowing everything will become dull
  39. IKEA will become an ever-more-spiritual sanctuary
  40. We will become more matter-of-fact, in general, about our bodies
  41. The future of politics is the careful and effective implanting into the minds of voters images that can never be removed
  42. You'll spend a lot of time shopping online from your jail cell
  43. Getting to work will provide vibrant and fun new challenges
  44. Your dream life will increasingly look like Google Street View
  45. We will accept the obvious truth that we brought this upon ourselves


  • A radical pessimist's guide to the next 10 years.pdf
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