Ο αγγλικός ιδιωματισμός έχει πολύ μικρότερη ιστορία απ' ό,τι νόμιζα.
Βαλκυρίες στο πρώτο βιντεάκι εδώ (η Βρουγχίλδη μπαίνει στο 7:30).
It ain't over till (or until) the fat lady sings is a colloquialism, essentially meaning that one should not assume the outcome of some activity (e.g.: a sports game) until it has actually finished, similar to a common proverb. It is a perception of Grand Opera, typically overweight sopranos, and perhaps Brünnhilde's final aria from Die Walküre or Götterdämmerung.
It is a common expression in sports reporting and everyday situations to mean, "it's not over until it's over," similar to the 16th century saying "don't count your chickens before they hatch" (but with opposite connotations).
This saying was created by the American sports commentator Dan Cook in 1975 (or, according to some authorities, 1976), while commenting on a basketball game, to mean that the result could change at any time right up to the end of the game, an elaboration on “it ain’t over till it's over”. The saying became popular in sporting circles, and gained wider currency in 1982 when it was used in an advertising campaign by the Baltimore Orioles baseball team, which showed a large aggressive-looking Valkyrie over the caption “She ain't sung yet”. Although Cook is credited with the expression, similar expressions were already current, including “Church ain't out till the fat lady sings”, which would explain why it caught on so quickly.
Penguin Dictionary of Clichés
It is a common expression in sports reporting and everyday situations to mean, "it's not over until it's over," similar to the 16th century saying "don't count your chickens before they hatch" (but with opposite connotations).
This saying was created by the American sports commentator Dan Cook in 1975 (or, according to some authorities, 1976), while commenting on a basketball game, to mean that the result could change at any time right up to the end of the game, an elaboration on “it ain’t over till it's over”. The saying became popular in sporting circles, and gained wider currency in 1982 when it was used in an advertising campaign by the Baltimore Orioles baseball team, which showed a large aggressive-looking Valkyrie over the caption “She ain't sung yet”. Although Cook is credited with the expression, similar expressions were already current, including “Church ain't out till the fat lady sings”, which would explain why it caught on so quickly.
Penguin Dictionary of Clichés
Βαλκυρίες στο πρώτο βιντεάκι εδώ (η Βρουγχίλδη μπαίνει στο 7:30).