Idioms > Ιδιωματισμοί (EN > EL)


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the calm/lull before the storm = η νηνεμία πριν (από) την καταιγίδα


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the eye of the wind = η κατεύθυνση του ανέμου: he swung the boat into the eye of the wind
the eye of the hurricane/storm = το κέντρο/επίκεντρο της καταιγίδας, το μάτι του κυκλώνα
be in the eye of the hurricane = βρίσκομαι στο μάτι του κυκλώνα / στο κέντρο μεγάλης αναταραχής
“The IMF will be in the eye of the storm and will be blamed for any national failures to implement their own programmes and the consequent crises,” he said. —AFP


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a level playing field = ισότιμη αντιμετώπιση, αντιμετώπιση επί ίσοις όροις / υπό ισότιμες συνθήκες
There are calls for less restrictive laws in order to allow them to compete on a level playing field (= in a way that is fair) with other financial institutions.

move the goalposts = αλλάζω τους κανόνες του παιχνιδιού / τις παραμέτρους / τα κριτήρια
We'd almost signed the contract when the other guys moved the goalposts and said they wanted more money.


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strike it rich = κάνω γερή μπάζα, τα κονομάω, πλουτίζω ξαφνικά
If I could strike it rich, I wouldn't have to work anymore.
Many immigrants dream of striking it rich in America.

do some fine coin = τα κονομάω χοντρά, κάνω χοντρή κονόμα
When I get my big break, I'm going to do some fine coin.
Richard did some fine coin on that last housepainting job.


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at the drop of a hat = στο πιτς-φιτίλι, εν ριπή οφθαλμού, σε χρόνο μηδέν, εν τω άμα και το θάμα, από παρόρμηση, με το παραμικρό, δίχως δεύτερη σκέψη
If you need help, just call on me. I can come at the drop of a hat.
We now have a situation where laws may be changed at the drop of a hat.
He'd buy her expensive clothing at the drop of a hat and worry about how he would pay for it later.
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at the coalface = στις επάλξεις, στην καθημερινή (πρακτική) άσκηση (ενός επαγγέλματος), στην πρώτη γραμμή

She is also one of the few women who have been at the coalface of Irish politics for the past two decades.
What is missing from this otherwise comprehensive compendium is a practical guide for clinicians at the coalface.


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(wide) off the mark = άστοχος, εσφαλμένος, σφαλερός, ανακριβής
His criticisms are way off the mark.
Bedini and Curzi were probably not far off the mark in their analysis.

miss the mark = αστοχώ, "πέφτω έξω", σφάλλω στην κρίση μου, πέφτω στο κενό, δεν πετυχαίνω το επιθυμητό αποτέλεσμα
Her speech missed the mark and failed to generate the public support she had been hoping for.
This manifesto missed the mark and they failed to attract people's attention as they had hoped.
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the order of the day = (κυριολεκτικά) η ημερήσια διάταξη
be the order of the day = (μεταφ.) επιβάλλεται να, το απαιτεί η περίσταση να, είναι εκ των ων ουκ άνευ | είναι ο κανόνας, το κύριο γνώρισμα, το χαρακτηριστικό στοιχείο, το δεσπόζον στοιχείο
For countries undergoing a recession, large cuts in public spending seem to be the order of the day.
Champagne was the order of the day as we all congratulated Tim on his success.
Good cheer and celebrations will be the order of the day.
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