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Head waiter and the nuances of "Προϊστάμενος"


Good morning friends,
2 questions, if I may, Is there a Greek phrase for the Head Waiter of a restaurant like the “Maitre d”? I guess you could ask for the “Ο υπεύθυνος του μαγαζιού” but just wondering if there’s a specific word for that….

And… sort of similarly… the word “προϊστάμενος” what context is it used at? For example, director of a business? Yes. But how about a bank? Or a supermarket? Or a school? Could one use it for all of these?

Thank you!



Dear friends,
@Zazula, and @Marinos
Trying to clarify here. If one wanted to ask a waiter to have the maître d come over and you knew that he (the maître d) wasn’t an owner) what expression would one use? «Σε παρακαλώ, φώναξε τον προϊστάμενο. Θέλω να του ζητήσω κάτι. »
And for would the head of a school be a «διευθυντης»? How about a bank?

Thank you.


Staff member
Τον μαιτρ του εστιατορίου
Τον διευθυντή του σχολείου
Τον διευθυντή της τράπεζας (small local bank) ή τον προϊστάμενο (head of a department in a big bank).


Okay, here's another twist to this: What if you wanted to tell the waiter that you want to see his "superior" meaning the person who is in charge. If you know that the owner is there, you could say "αφεντικο" but if you don't know whether the owner is there, would you say "Τον προιστάμενο παρακαλώ. Αμεσος!"??


Usually we say θέλω να μιλήσω με τον υπεύθυνο meaning the person in charge.