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He wants to learn construction


"He wants to learn construction" as in construction of buildings and houses. I'm having trouble phrasing this in Greek. I wonder if someone could kindly help me.

Thank you!



Do you mean he wants to learn how to build a wall? Θέλει να μάθει να χτίζει;
He wants to learn how the sector works? Θέλει να μάθει/ γνωρίσει τον κατασκευαστικό κλάδο;
He wants to learn architecture? Civil engineering? Θέλει να μάθει αρχικτεκτονική; τη δουλειά του πολιτικού μηχανικού; (οι Κύπριοι βλεπω το λένε πολιτική μηχανική, αλλά εγώ δεν το έχω ξαναδει αυτό αλλού)
He wants to learn how to carry out construction projects? Θέλει να μάθει να κάνει κατασκευαστικά έργα;


Thank you, SBE. How about boat building as in someone who is interested in building small scale wooden boats like the kind of καίκια about the size of a bus that one finds on Greek islands?


Αυτό λέγεται ναυπηγική.
Θέλει να μάθει να φτιάχνει καϊκια;


I don't see why not, all boats are made in a ναυπηγείο (καρνάγιο).
Perhaps this will help.


Perfect. Thank you! Going back to building construction as in residential and office buildings would “Θέλει να μάθει οικοδομή» be appropriate for “He wants to learn construction” or not?


Good morning. To take it even further, I am wondering if as I asked above, one can say “Θέλει να μάθει οικοδομή» and in addition if one says “Θέλει να μάθει κατασκευή» whether people will ask “κατασκευή» of what?

Thank you.


Active member
«Μάθει οικοδομή» is probably not an apt collocation.
«Θέλει να μάθει να χτίζει», as SBE said, is probably what you'd hear from natural speakers, or, perhaps, «Θέλει (να πάει) να δουλέψει οικοδομή».
Also: «Θέλει να γίνει χτίστης/οικοδόμος».
«Κατασκευή» is probably closer to what you'd call "crafts" in EN (predominantly in plural in EL, too: «κατασκευές»).
«Κατασκευαστικός κλάδος», however, is like saying "construction industry" or something like that.


One more question and I’ll let it go. I appreciate your patience. o_OWhat about: «Θέλει να μάθει οικοδομικά»? Is that a good way to say “He wants to learn [building/ residential] construction?”


What about: «Θέλει να μάθει οικοδομικά»?
No. That works more as an adjective. E.g. οικοδομικά επαγγέλματα, οικοδομικά απόβλητα, οικοδομικά υλικά etc.
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