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English term or phrase: hashtag
Often used now on twitter, how is this word translated into Greek, as in: 'hashtag, yolo [you only lıve once].?


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Τα μαγτύγια του #hashtag

Btw, for "you only live once": μια ζωή την έχουμε, and for yolo:

Lifo said:
YOLO: you only live once; typically used as rationale or endorsement for impulsive or irresponsible behavior
ΜΖΤΕ, κι αν δεν τη γλεντήσουμε, τι θα καταλάβουμε, τι θα καζαντίσουμε;
Στου διαβόλου τα 'γραψα όλα το κατάστιχο, και γλεντώ τα νιάτα μου, πριν με πιάσει λάστιχο
Μες στον ψεύτικο ντουνιά, παίξτε μου διπλοπενιά, και ο μήνας έχει εννιά


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Octothorpe (#)

The story of the hashtag begins sometime around the fourteenth century, with the introduction of the Latin abbreviation “lb,” for the Roman term libra pondo, or “pound weight.” Like many standard abbreviations of that period, “lb” was written with the addition of a horizontal bar, known as a tittle, or tilde (an example is shown [below], in Johann Conrad Barchusen’s “Pyrosophia,” from 1698).

And though printers commonly cast this barred abbreviation as a single character, it was the rushed pens of scribes that eventually produced the symbol’s modern form: hurriedly dashed off again and again, the barred “lb” mutated into the abstract #. The symbol shown here [below], a barred “lb” rendered in Isaac Newton’s elegant scrawl, is a missing link, a now-extinct ancestor of the # that bridges the gap between the symbol’s Latin origins and its familiar modern form.

Though it is now referred to by a number of different names—“hash mark,” “number sign,” and even “octothorpe,” a jokey appellation coined by engineers working on the Touch-Tone telephone keypad—the phrase “pound sign” can be traced to the symbol’s ancient origins. For just as “lb” came from libra, so the word “pound” is descended from pondo, making the # a descendent of the Roman term libra pondo in both name and appearance.


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Πολύ ωραίο το εύρημα. Στην αναζήτησή μου για περισσότερες πληροφορίες έπεσα πάνω σε βιβλίο που έχω βάλει στο Wish List μου στο Amazon:
Shady Characters: Ampersands, Interrobangs and other Typographical Curiosities (Keith Houston)

Οι σελίδες του για το octothorpe είναι ανοιχτές στα γκουγκλοβιβλία. Enjoy:

Οι ιστορίες μού θυμίζουν τη δική μας για την προέλευση του ελληνικού φραπέ και σχεδόν αποτελούν έμπνευση για το πρωταπριλιάτικο του 2015. :-)


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Να λοιπόν που ο hashtag activism φτιάχνει και ενδιαφέροντα μονολεκτικό νεολογισμό: χασταγκτιβισμός.

Hashtag activism is a term coined by media outlets which refers to the use of Twitter's hashtags for internet activism.
The oldest known mention of the term is from The Guardian, where it was mentioned in context to describe Occupy Wall Street protests

Ο «χασταγκτιβισμός» και τα παγάκια

Το άρθρο αφορά κυρίως το αυτομπουγέλωμα, το ice bucket challenge.