Noun, plural ga·ze·bos, ga·ze·boes.
1.a structure, as an open or latticework pavilion or summerhouse, built on a site that provides an attractive view. See images at
2.a small roofed structure/ marquee that is screened on all sides, used for outdoor entertaining and dining/a temporary tent, small or large, used to cook a barbecue in the UK summer of 2012(!) or to host an outdoor wedding.
Its etymology is probably derived from the word 'gaze' [Germanic root gasato gape] & the Latin future ending of first & second conjugation verbs, sc. -abo, as in lavabo, and -ebo as above.
1.a structure, as an open or latticework pavilion or summerhouse, built on a site that provides an attractive view. See images at
2.a small roofed structure/ marquee that is screened on all sides, used for outdoor entertaining and dining/a temporary tent, small or large, used to cook a barbecue in the UK summer of 2012(!) or to host an outdoor wedding.
Its etymology is probably derived from the word 'gaze' [Germanic root gasato gape] & the Latin future ending of first & second conjugation verbs, sc. -abo, as in lavabo, and -ebo as above.