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Frenchman's flea


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This forenoon land was reported half a dozen times by different individual, but like the Frenchman's flea, when they looked the second time it was not there.
Notes of a Voyage to California, 1849-1850

"Another unsuccessful attempt to arrest [Riel] this week. Like the Frenchman's flea, 'When you put your finger on him he's not dare (sic).'"

Harrison Democrats ' in the West, are like the Frenchman's flea; when you attempt to put your finger on them, they are not there.
The North American Review, Volume 52, 1841

He jumps around like the Frenchman's flea. Put yer finger on him an' he ain't thar, and never wuz.
The Mystery of Metropolisville

Μεταφορά που σημαίνει κάτι άπιαστο, elusive, τη βρίσκουμε σε πολλά βιβλία του προπερασμένου αιώνα. Θα ήθελα να μάθω από πού βγήκε. Υποψιάζομαι ότι έχει σχέση με κάποιο ανέκδοτο σχετικά με το φάρμακο για τους ψύλλους.


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Καταρχήν, η σύμφραση είναι Frenchman's flea powder, όλο μαζί, αλλά προφανώς έγινε αδιαφανής ή άλλαξε με τα χρόνια.:lol:

Η προέλευση περιγράφεται εξαιρετικά εδώ:

The only rival to my method of treatment or of destroying this dreaded insect is the one recommended by so many pomologists of shaking the trees and catching the little depredators on sheets spread out for their reception. Well if you can get them in that way and bottle them up or throw them in the fire it will answer every purpose but from my experience this mode of extermination always reminds me of the Frenchman's flea powder which he assured purchasers was a never failing remedy if used according to his directions which however he never communicated to any one till after a sale of the medicine was effected and which were first to catch the flea and tickle his ribs until he laughed heartily and while his mouth is open cram the powder down his throat and choke him to death.

Τώρα, αν ο Frenchman ήταν κάποιος Γάλλος ή κάποιος φιδέμπορας ονοματι Φρέντσμαν, αυτό δεν το ανακάλυψα... :)


Κι εδώ με poultice αντί powder.

The apple-tree borer, curculio, cut-worm and weevil are the most injurious to crops and vegetation. No new method taken for their extermination. The best remedy is the Frenchman’s Flea Poultice. ‘First catch the insect, then tickle him with a picked stick under the fifth rib, and then when he opens his mouth put in de poudre, monsieur, he choke for sure.

And the plot thickens...


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Να προσθέσω ότι αυτό εδώ το παλιότερο εύρημα (του 1840), από το New Genesee Farmer

[...] Or administer a dose of the Frenchman's flea powder thus:
First den you catch de flea
You pour some little powder down he troat
Begar he choke [...]

ενισχύει την εντύπωση ότι μάλλον πρόκειται για κάποιο αντιγαλλικό αστείο, από πολύ παλιότερα, μάλιστα.


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Κι εγώ το έχω ακούσει αυτό το ανέκδοτο, αλλά θα είχε ενδιαφέρον να μάθουμε γιατί καθιερώθηκε στην Αμερική με κάποιον Γάλλο.


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Τι πλάκα που έχει!

Τώρα για μετάφραση θα μπορούσε να ταιριάξει κάπου το «σαν οπτασία στην έρημο».


Κι εγώ το έχω ακούσει αυτό το ανέκδοτο, αλλά θα είχε ενδιαφέρον να μάθουμε γιατί καθιερώθηκε στην Αμερική με κάποιον Γάλλο.

Ίσως αυτό να οφείλεται στον καπετάνιο Tucker:

"One of Captain Tuckers Stories too diverted the Frenchmen as well as the Englishmen and Americans. A Frenchman in London Advertised an infallible Remedy against fleas. The Women as well as Men flocked to the place to purchase the Powder. But after many had bought it and paid for it, one only of the Women, asked for directions to Use it. Madam said the Frenchman, you must catch the Flea, and squeese him between your thumb and finger, till he gape, then put a little dust of this powder in his mouth, and he never will bite you again. But said the Lady when I have him between my fingers why may I not throw him in the fire or press him to death? Ali, Madam, said the Frenchman, dat will do just as well den. I should not perhaps have remembered this story......." (John Adams autobiography, part 2, "Travels, and Negotiations," 1777-1778
sheet 8 of 37, 29 March - 1 April 1778


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Κύδος, cougr! :up::clap::clap:

Τώρα μένει να βρούμε ποιος Captain Tucker ήταν αυτός...

Edit: Υποθέτω, αυτός. Ο Samuel Tucker.

