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Classification: Orthopedic
In orthopedic medicine, fractures are classified in various ways. Historically they are named after the doctor who first described the fracture conditions. However, there are more systematic classifications in place currently.
All fractures can be broadly described as:
Closed (simple) fractures: are those in which the skin is intact
Open (compound) fractures: involve wounds that communicate with the fracture, or where fracture hematoma is exposed, and may thus expose bone to contamination. Open injuries carry a higher risk of infection.
Other considerations in fracture care are displacement (fracture gap) and angulation. If angulation or displacement is large, reduction (manipulation) of the bone may be required and, in adults, frequently requires surgical care. These injuries may take longer to heal than injuries without displacement or angulation.
Compression fractures: usually occurs in the vertebrae, for example when the front portion of a vertebra in the spine collapses due to osteoporosis (a medical condition which causes bones to become brittle and susceptible to fracture, with or without trauma).
Other types of fracture are:
Complete fracture: A fracture in which bone fragments separate completely.
Incomplete fracture: A fracture in which the bone fragments are still partially joined. In such cases, there is a crack in the osseous tissue that does not completely traverse the width of the bone.[5]
Linear fracture: A fracture that is parallel to the bone's long axis.
Transverse fracture: A fracture that is at a right angle to the bone's long axis.
Oblique fracture: A fracture that is diagonal to a bone's long axis.
Spiral fracture: A fracture where at least one part of the bone has been twisted.
Comminuted fracture: A fracture in which the bone has broken into several pieces.
Impacted fracture: A fracture caused when bone fragments are driven into each other.
Avulsion fracture: A fracture where a fragment of bone is separated from the main mass.
A stress fracture is one type of incomplete fracture in bones. It is caused by "unusual or repeated stress" and also heavy continuous weight on the ankle or leg.
Έχω την εντύπωση ότι το stress fracture αποδίδεται συνήθως κάταγμα κόπωσης / κοπώσεως ή κάταγμα από καταπόνηση.
Ρίξτε τον οβολό σας να κάνουμε μια καλή λίστα αποδόσεων για τα παραπάνω.
Classification: Orthopedic
In orthopedic medicine, fractures are classified in various ways. Historically they are named after the doctor who first described the fracture conditions. However, there are more systematic classifications in place currently.
All fractures can be broadly described as:
Closed (simple) fractures: are those in which the skin is intact
Open (compound) fractures: involve wounds that communicate with the fracture, or where fracture hematoma is exposed, and may thus expose bone to contamination. Open injuries carry a higher risk of infection.
Other considerations in fracture care are displacement (fracture gap) and angulation. If angulation or displacement is large, reduction (manipulation) of the bone may be required and, in adults, frequently requires surgical care. These injuries may take longer to heal than injuries without displacement or angulation.
Compression fractures: usually occurs in the vertebrae, for example when the front portion of a vertebra in the spine collapses due to osteoporosis (a medical condition which causes bones to become brittle and susceptible to fracture, with or without trauma).
Other types of fracture are:
Complete fracture: A fracture in which bone fragments separate completely.
Incomplete fracture: A fracture in which the bone fragments are still partially joined. In such cases, there is a crack in the osseous tissue that does not completely traverse the width of the bone.[5]
Linear fracture: A fracture that is parallel to the bone's long axis.
Transverse fracture: A fracture that is at a right angle to the bone's long axis.
Oblique fracture: A fracture that is diagonal to a bone's long axis.
Spiral fracture: A fracture where at least one part of the bone has been twisted.
Comminuted fracture: A fracture in which the bone has broken into several pieces.
Impacted fracture: A fracture caused when bone fragments are driven into each other.
Avulsion fracture: A fracture where a fragment of bone is separated from the main mass.
A stress fracture is one type of incomplete fracture in bones. It is caused by "unusual or repeated stress" and also heavy continuous weight on the ankle or leg.
Έχω την εντύπωση ότι το stress fracture αποδίδεται συνήθως κάταγμα κόπωσης / κοπώσεως ή κάταγμα από καταπόνηση.
Ρίξτε τον οβολό σας να κάνουμε μια καλή λίστα αποδόσεων για τα παραπάνω.