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Don't they, though

A difficult idiom to describe. Here is an example:-

'Our relationship has reached a state when I care about whether I have let her down or betrayed her, implying that I now care about such nuances. So I say, 'Yes, that's right, I think.' And Martha looks evilly at me and says, 'Yes. They don't half give a good party, Zoe and Caspar.' 'God, don't they, though ...'

It reinforces a preceding positive statement. The glosbe English to Greek translation site gives the long-winded (?(
Πως είναι δυνατό να μην είναι; Is this good Greek?? How would the above statement in bold go naturally into Greek?
Δίκιο έχεις να δυσπιστείς, Θησέα, αυτά δεν είναι καλά ελληνικά. Αν καταλαβαίνω καλά την έκφραση, θα πρότεινα: "Αυτό να λέγεται!". Για τους κάτω των 30 σήμερα ισχύει και το: "Ισχύει!".
«Στ' αλήθεια, όμως», ήταν η πρώτη φράση που μου ήρθε. Δεν μου ακούγεται κακή, αν και δεν ξέρω ποιος θα τη χρησιμοποιούσε.
Thanks, both, for your suggestions. The phrase is not uncommon. It was parodied in a comedy series of the early '90s in the catchphrase 'Dey do do dat dough don't dey dough" ("They do do that though, don't they though"). it means here: "But they do do that, don'tthey."