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disintermediation = αποδιαμεσολάβηση


Staff member
Authors are getting more independent

If publishing houses make minimal investment in marketing their authors and focus largely on celebrity books and their backlist, authors who can’t snag a large advance might have better luck building their own audience and publishing elsewhere.

I think really from the advent of online—really, once the internet became popular, you know, we heard the phrase disintermediation. And I don’t understand why that wouldn’t be a possible prospect for any best selling author, to just disintermediate, to go straight to the internet and sell directly if you have a following… Colleen Hoover has published with both Amazon and Simon and Schuster. And her Amazon book was on the independent book sellers’ best seller list. So what that says to me is that a Rubicon has been crossed.

Μιλά ο Jonathan Karp, CEO της Simon and Schuster​

Από το ιδιαιτέρως ενδιαφέρον άρθρο για την αμερικανική (και κατ’ επέκταση διεθνή) αγορά βιβλίου της Elle Griffin, “No one buys books: everything we learned about the publishing industry from Penguin vs. DOJ” The Elysian, 22.4.2024.
