Δεν πρόκειται για την επίγνωση ύπαρξης διακρίσεων (φυλετικών, σεξιστικών κλπ.), αλλά μάλλον σχετίζεται με την «διακριτική σκέψη» που κατά κάποιον τρόπο θυμίζει την «αναλυτική σκέψη».
Αναρωτιέμαι αν υπάρχει κάποιος καθιερωμένος όρος για το «discriminatory awareness».
Unlike the frog in water which is getting slowly warm, one should have enough discriminatory Awareness as to what is good and what is harmful.
By definition, discriminating thought splits everything into two, so “good” will require evil. This is the mess that thought creates: You cannot think one thing without creating its opposite.
The activity emerging from there has nothing to do with the so-called discriminating consciousness. It transcends all comparisons made in the mind, such as “this is good or that is bad.”
The mental faculty refers to discriminating value judgment by which we judge that one thing is better than another, for example.
Thus Jenkins simply cannot accept that anyone can look at a thinker or a body of thought in a critical manner and accept some ideas and reject others; critical and discriminating thought of this kind is condemned
Αναρωτιέμαι αν υπάρχει κάποιος καθιερωμένος όρος για το «discriminatory awareness».
Unlike the frog in water which is getting slowly warm, one should have enough discriminatory Awareness as to what is good and what is harmful.
By definition, discriminating thought splits everything into two, so “good” will require evil. This is the mess that thought creates: You cannot think one thing without creating its opposite.
The activity emerging from there has nothing to do with the so-called discriminating consciousness. It transcends all comparisons made in the mind, such as “this is good or that is bad.”
The mental faculty refers to discriminating value judgment by which we judge that one thing is better than another, for example.
Thus Jenkins simply cannot accept that anyone can look at a thinker or a body of thought in a critical manner and accept some ideas and reject others; critical and discriminating thought of this kind is condemned