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Από το Mr. Smith goes to Washington. Πώς μπορεί να μεταφραστεί το deficiency στο παρακάτω κόντεξτ;

«Bill for deficiency appropriations for the fiscal year, Section One. On emergency relief: To create and erect public improvements on rivers, harbors and roadways, $150 billion.
Section 40: An appropriation to divert and impound Willet Creek to the natural basin of Terry Canyon, $5 million.»

Άλλες χρήσεις του deficiency που βρίσκω δεν δείχνουν να έχουν καμιά σχέση.
Π.χ. deficiency payments = In the United States, deficiency payments are direct government payments made to farmers who participated in annual commodity programs for wheat, feed grains, rice, or cotton, prior to 1996.
  • The crop-specific deficiency payment rate was based on the difference between the legislatively set target price and the lower national average market price during a specified time.
  • The total payment was equal to the payment rate, multiplied by a farm’s eligible payment acreage and the program payment yield established for the particular farm.

Έκτακτα κονδύλια;
An appropriation bill covering items of expense omitted from the general appropriation bill or bills, or for which insufficient appropriations were made. If intended to cover a variety of such items, it is commonly called a “general deficiency bill;” if intended to make provision for expenses which mustbe met immediately, or which cannot wait the ordinary course of the generalappropriation bills, it is called an “urgent deficiency bill.”
Θα μπορούσαμε κάλλιστα να μιλήσουμε για "αντισταθμιστικές" πληρωμές, αφού με αυτές αντισταθμίζεται μια υστέρηση. Βέβαια, ούτε η ελληνική απόδοση ούτε το πρωτότυπο θα έδιναν από μόνα τους την ακριβή έννοια, αλλά πόσο συχνά γίνεται αυτό; Νομίζω ότι οι ελληνικές αποδόσεις που έχουν παίξει σε ανάλογα συμφραζόμενα είναι, περιοριστικά, η "αντιστάθμιση", η "αναπλήρωση" και η "εξίσωση".