Καλημέρα! Μήπως κάποιος έχει συναντήσει τον όρο "debt-based assets" και έχει ιδέα πώς αποδίδεται στα Ελληνικά;
Το συγκείμενο είναι το εξής:
"Even after it is obvious that these debt-based assets are junk and the debts will never be repaid, the authorities do their best to hide this fact and maintain them at face value".
Πρόκειται για σημείωση στο εξής απόσπασμα:
"Aside from economists, no one likes defaults-least of all creditors, since their money disappears. One way to prevent a default, at least temporarily, is to lend the borrower even more money so she can continue making payments on the original loan. This might be justified if the borrower is facing a temporary difficulty or if there is reason to believe that enough higher productivity is around the corner to pay back all the loans. But often, lenders will throw in good money after bad just because they don’t want to write down the losses from defaults, which could indeed send them into bankruptcy themselves. As long as the borrower is still making payments, the lender can pretend that everything is normal.
This is essentially the situation the world economy has occupied for the last several years. After years, or even decades, of interest rates far exceeding economic growth, with no compensatory rise in defaults, we face an enormous debt overhang. The government, at the behest of the financial industry (i.e., the creditors, the owners of money), has done its best to prevent defaults and keep the full value of the debts on the books, hoping that renewed economic growth will allow them to continue to be serviced. (3) We will “grow our way out of debt,” they hope".
Βρήκα μόνο εξήγηση στα Αγγλικά για το τι είναι το "debt-based assets":
Έχω σίγουρα ελλείψεις στο κομμάτι της έρευνας, αλλά τον όρο αυτόν δεν τον βρήκα σε κανένα από τα οικονομικά λεξικά, ούτε στο proz ούτε στο translatum. Στη συνέχεια έβαλα στο google τον όρο σε εισαγωγικά και εναλλάξ με διάφορες ελληνικές λέξεις που θα ταίριαζαν, τίποτα... Σίγουρα κάποιος με βαθιά γνώση των οικονομικών θα μπορεί να σκαρφιστεί μία απόδοση της προκοπής...
Το συγκείμενο είναι το εξής:
"Even after it is obvious that these debt-based assets are junk and the debts will never be repaid, the authorities do their best to hide this fact and maintain them at face value".
Πρόκειται για σημείωση στο εξής απόσπασμα:
"Aside from economists, no one likes defaults-least of all creditors, since their money disappears. One way to prevent a default, at least temporarily, is to lend the borrower even more money so she can continue making payments on the original loan. This might be justified if the borrower is facing a temporary difficulty or if there is reason to believe that enough higher productivity is around the corner to pay back all the loans. But often, lenders will throw in good money after bad just because they don’t want to write down the losses from defaults, which could indeed send them into bankruptcy themselves. As long as the borrower is still making payments, the lender can pretend that everything is normal.
This is essentially the situation the world economy has occupied for the last several years. After years, or even decades, of interest rates far exceeding economic growth, with no compensatory rise in defaults, we face an enormous debt overhang. The government, at the behest of the financial industry (i.e., the creditors, the owners of money), has done its best to prevent defaults and keep the full value of the debts on the books, hoping that renewed economic growth will allow them to continue to be serviced. (3) We will “grow our way out of debt,” they hope".
Βρήκα μόνο εξήγηση στα Αγγλικά για το τι είναι το "debt-based assets":
Έχω σίγουρα ελλείψεις στο κομμάτι της έρευνας, αλλά τον όρο αυτόν δεν τον βρήκα σε κανένα από τα οικονομικά λεξικά, ούτε στο proz ούτε στο translatum. Στη συνέχεια έβαλα στο google τον όρο σε εισαγωγικά και εναλλάξ με διάφορες ελληνικές λέξεις που θα ταίριαζαν, τίποτα... Σίγουρα κάποιος με βαθιά γνώση των οικονομικών θα μπορεί να σκαρφιστεί μία απόδοση της προκοπής...