Εδώ και ώρα ψάχνω το cyclone bed. Το μόνο που έχω βρει από εικόνα είναι αυτή, εδώ.

Many years of my early life were spent sleeping under the stars, on a bedroll, or a cyclone bed as a shearer. Your bedding should be rolled up as soon as you climb out of it. Left unrolled any manner of biting animals are likely to find it comfortable too. Not so bad if they are lizards, but scorpions and snakes are generally not welcome bedfellows. My unkempt bundle on the cyclone bed is off the ground, and although untidy, it is unlikely to become filled with 'nasties'. One should at least pull the canvas over the blankets to keep some of the dust and crap out of it.
Μήπως σημαίνει αυτοσχέδιο κρεβάτι;
Mod: Αυτό το νήμα ξεκίνησε από εδώ.

Many years of my early life were spent sleeping under the stars, on a bedroll, or a cyclone bed as a shearer. Your bedding should be rolled up as soon as you climb out of it. Left unrolled any manner of biting animals are likely to find it comfortable too. Not so bad if they are lizards, but scorpions and snakes are generally not welcome bedfellows. My unkempt bundle on the cyclone bed is off the ground, and although untidy, it is unlikely to become filled with 'nasties'. One should at least pull the canvas over the blankets to keep some of the dust and crap out of it.
Μήπως σημαίνει αυτοσχέδιο κρεβάτι;
Mod: Αυτό το νήμα ξεκίνησε από εδώ.