Αλλά σε σχέση με τον ορισμό του πρώτου μηνύματος («What I am calling a creaturely life is a dimension of human existence called into being at such natural fissures or caesuras in the space of meaning») νομίζω πως, ό,τι και να προτείνει κανείς, ούτε με την εξήγηση δεν θα είναι κατανοητό. :-(
Θα συμφωνήσω ότι η «υλική ζωή» δεν είναι ταιριαστή απόδοση για το βιβλίο του Σάντνερ, αλλά αποκλείεται να μπορέσω ποτέ να καταλάβω τέτοιες φιλοσοφίες. Δεν το 'χω. Θεωρώ ότι η υλική μου ύπαρξη είναι πολύ σύντομη για τέτοια ανοργασμικά συγγράμματα. Μα δείτε μια άλλη απόπειρα ερμηνείας από το ίδιο βιβλίο:
What I am calling creaturely life is the life that is, so to speak, called into being, ex-cited, by exposure to the peculiar “creativity” associated with this threshold of law and nonlaw; it is the life that has been delivered over to the space of the sovereign’s “ecstasy-belonging,” or what we might simply call “sovereign jouissance.”
Άντε, άλλο ένα απόσπασμα:
To put it somewhat differently, human beings are not just creatures among other creatures but are in some sense more creaturely than other creatures by virtue of an excess that is produced in the space of the political and that, paradoxically, accounts for their “humanity.”
Στο βιβλίο, εκτός από το
creaturely υπάρχει και
creatureliness. Τα σχετικά του ευρετηρίου:
creature: ensoulment of, 206 –7; gaze from perspective of, 180 – 81; as at home in the Open, 1–5; instinctual captivation of, 8–12, 22; lack of self-consciousness as freedom of, 6; process of becoming, 28; sexuality of, 194 –96; shift in meanings of, 12–16, 107
creatureliness: dimension of, xix; as excess of pressure, 34 –35; humor and, 146 – 48; paradox of, 105– 6; shame and, 22–24; shift in notion of, 12– 16; sovereignty coupled with, 29–30
creaturely expressivity: in aftermath of historical violence, xx–xxi; conception of, xiii; formations of unconscious as modes of, 30 –35, 128–29; of fragmentary transmissions, 164 – 65; opening to, xxi; as at stake in psychoanalysis, 138
creaturely life: “angle of inclination” of, 36, 155, 158; animals in states of disorientation as glimpse of, 144; approach to, xviii–xix; attentiveness to, 37–38; Barthes’s understanding of photographic medium and, 156 –57; Benjamin’s conception of, xiv, 16 –18, 86; biopolitical aspect of, xv, 12–13, 25–27; depression and pain merged in, 132; encounter and engagement with, 140 – 41; ethicopolitical act and, 135–36; as life abandoned to state of exception, 22–24; materiality of, 112–13; means of flight from subjection to, 138–39n59; melancholy linked to, 16 –18, 91; as product of exposure to political and social structures, 12–16; in Rilke’s Duino Elegy, xvi, 1–5; role in German-Jewish thought, 38– 41; Sebald’s oeuvre as archive of, xiii; sexual dimension of, 30 –32, 180 – 81, 184 – 88, 196; Shakespeare’s Caliban as incarnation of, 27–30; singularity linked to, xvii– xviii n9. See also creature; creatureliness; creaturely expressivity; cringed bodies; undeadness
πλασμικός και
πλασμικότητα; (Από τις προτάσεις του dharvatis)