Είπαμε μιλάμε για μεταλλεύματα, βρίσκω
...the products of artisanal mining: the holder of a carte de négociant, and the comptoir agréé. (buying office with an export license)...
Το οποίο επιβεβαιώνεται πιο κάτω στο ίδιο κείμενο
The CEEC admits that controls on illicit exports are ‘weak’. No systematic attempt is made to monitor the flow of diamonds from the mine to the comptoir. Out of the 15 mines in Orientale Province, there is only one where the management has been trying to keep a full record of diamonds sold, according to a SAESSCAM agent who said he had worked at all of these mines (as a trafiquant).
Και ακόμα περισσότερο
The liberalization established a new hierarchy of entrepreneurs profiting from prospecting, and from the movement of diamonds from mining zones to markets where the foreign exporters (comptoirs) operated. Négociants were Congolese nationals who bought diamonds from diggers for resale to other négociants or comptoirs.